Friends and Enemies

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I scramble to put all my books away and put my backpack in my locker. I have science first lucky me .

 I grab my books and my phone then close my locker and lock it. Right as I turn around I see Brad walking down the hall.

 I smile and he smiles back. I know I know Brad sounds like the name of a jerk football player who is arrogant and cocky but really Brad is really shy and really nice but that maybe that's  just  me. 


The bell that signals the start of class echoes of the walls and everyone rushes off to class and I follow suit.

 I get to class and take my seat next to Kate, I'm so lucky she is in all of my classes . she teacher takes attendance then starts teaching a lesson on atomic theory or something like that.

 I just end up tuning her out. Do you ever dream that you could be different like have some sort of superpower because I do, like all the time. I know it sounds childish but come on it has to be out there all those stories of magic and fairy tales have to be based on something.

 "Blair ......helloooo?" I turn to Kate to see her poking my arm. " umm ya" Kate sighs is she always this dramatic

 " we are breaking into partners and I wanted to know if you wanted to be my partner" "oh of course i'm always your partner" "I know but you were sort of going into no man's land " Kate giggles

 " are you sure you're feeling okay?" " Kate I told you before I'm fine I just am really not feeling science today." " oh I know the feeling just don't do that again you scared me a little".

 I just nodded my head and Kate smiled. She might not seem like it but Kate is super smart , that whole dumb blonde clique is total BS.

 I help Kate with a few of the questions but after a while I just let her go at it. For some reason Kate loves school, of course it helps that she is smart but still I don't get it. It's like those kids who like tests or love having homework its just plain odd. 

The bell rings to signal the end of first period . I gather my books and head to my locker. I chat with Kate about the dance on Friday apparently she is super excited but I'm just trying to get through the week. 

I reach my locker and she heads to hers. Up next English I absolutely love English class for many reasons. One the teacher is amazing, two I have a interest in writing and reading and three all of my closest friends are in that class.

 I swiftly grab my English stuff and skip off to class. I reach the room before the bell rings. I go up to Mrs. Keller. she is like a mom minus the part where she tries to get us to do our chores and stuff.

 " oh hi dear how was your weekend?" Mrs. Keller says " it was wonderful, splendid and thrilling" I say with a laugh. She laughs at my attempt to use more vocabulary " thats great but might want to ease up on those adjectives, not that i'm complaining or anything"

 I chuckle and head to my normal spot at the front of the class. Just then Kate walks in with Ryan my guy BFF since forever. Actually that's not true when we were 12 we were "dating" but that ended quicker than it started.

 I know I can always count on him . Him and Kate are the 2 people I trust the most in this world. Ryan locks eyes with me and chirps " hey B what's up I haven't seen you in what 3 days" I gasp " wow you've been working on your math skills good job Ry". I joke.

 "ha ha ha very funny Blair make fun of the dumb kid" Ryan pouted "awe muffin did I hurt you feelings" I reply in my baby voice.

 Ry just scoffs and sits down to my left and Kate sits on my right. We get right into the work.We are working on poems right now ,not really my strong suit but I still enjoy it. 


 Yes my second favorite time of the day lunch .


I sit at the table eating my ham and cheese sandwich listening to Ryan and Kate bicker about whether Pepsi or coke is better. This is pretty normal .

 I let my eyes wander and look around at the kids sitting around everyone looks generally happy and that makes me feel warm and fuzzy. We all finish eating and decide to go for a walk it is quite a nice day out so why the hell not.

 We do a lap around the school when we hear someone calling for help. I look at Ry and Kate and we all take off towards the sound.

 We turn the corner and see mike the school shit disturber punching this poor kid . I take off full speed and ram into mike.

 He instantly dropped the kid and grunted in pain. the kid runs off into the school.I  get on my feet and start yelling profanities at him I don't care if I get in shit by a teacher.

 Mike gets up off the grounds his eyes in slits clenching his fist so hard his knuckles turn white. He stalks towards me and hits me square in the jaw . I collapse on the ground holding my mouth "bitch" mike mumbles and walks off.

 What an ass, I assure Kate and Ryan I'm fine and head back inside just as the bell rings.

The rest of the day went a lot like first period boring and long except this time my jaw hurt. The nerve of that guy. I still can't believe he hit a girl. I hope he rots in hell.

 After what feels like forever the bell rings signalling the end of the day. Sweet baby Jesus , finally free at last. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2016 ⏰

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