Chapter 8

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"Well then let's put them down...HARD!" I yell. We look at each other and I see Richard smirk the old mischievous smirk and we run into Mt Justice's living room Supernatural slaying weapons firmly in our grip just in time to see...

Roy's POV

To see the team and Justice League tied and hanging on a wall...with magic...shit...

"Damn it..." I hear Dick mumble a few curses in Latin as we dodge arrows and throwing knives.

"Language...lil bro." chide.

"Shut it Roycelyn." he yells as he mumbles a few more words in Latin.

I manage to stab a few werewolves, when Wally yells "Roy behind you!" I turn around but...

Something slams into the werewolf. I turn to find Wally with a Lamia Gladium (Vampire Knife) as he stabbed the wolf and looks at me attempting to make peace. The battle ends quickly and soon the dead bodies turn to dust as do the magical bonds holding the League and Team together.

"What was that?!" Artemis screeched.

"Those were Vampires and Werewolves. You killed them. Murdered them. Explain." Batman growled. Everyone else was dumbstruck.

"I'll explain..." Wally stated as he continued "You may want to sit down."

Everyone sits as Wally began.

"In another dimension...Caraylinyia we call it.Caraylinyia has many supernatural creatures demons, devils, even Warlocks! There are some creatures there you humans have never heard of! Any way a Werewolf queen and a Vampire King had fell in love and married. They had 3 kids... The eldest was a Werewolf, the middle was a warlock because it's common knowledge that all supernatural beings evolved from the Warlocks, while the youngest was a vampire. At the young Vampire's birth all 3 were christened using the smaragdo vitae meaning the emeralds of life. The emeralds each have a distinct ability the zmaragdus potentiam (the emerald of power), the amoris zmaragdus (the emerald of love), and the sapientia zmaragdus (emerald of wisdom). These emeralds were the most powerful relics in the universe. Rumor has it that in the Supernatural world the emerald of power was given to the vampires, while the emerald of love was given to the werewolves, and the emerald of wisdom was given to the warlocks. Their rulers were meant to look after them and so each time a royal offspring was born, the offspring would be blessed with the emeralds complete power and control. The eldest was given control over the Emerald of love, the 2nd child was given control over the emerald of wisdom, while the youngest was given the emerald of power. The children were all special...obviously. But...there was a time when the eldest and the youngest began to believe that humans were supernaturals beings' equals. This belief swayed greatly from other beliefs for only the Warlocks agreed with this. One incident however changed them greatly, helping them make up their mind. You see Supernatural beings think of you as prey...or playthings and so they would arrive here through portals to make a few kills then return home. I'm going to show you the incident...but Batman you may not like it..." Wally stated.

"Do it." Batman growled.

Wally nodded as he made a screen appear somehow and two figures appeared on it...Thomas and Martha Wayne.

"I'm so sorry for your loss." Wally stated towards Batman as he played the video.




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