chapter 10: Guilty

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Monica's room was only a few feet away from mine. Are rooms were identical from size to paint type. I knocked on her door. I heard a little bit of rustling around the room and a few things being moved. I could see that her blinds were closed. I listened closely. She was putting a shirt on and threw something under where the bed would be.

"Come in!" I heard her voice ring out.

I opened the door and walked in with Alice behind me. I raised an eyebrow at the bandages that had fresh blood on them. I raised my eyes up to her. I had to play this cool as if I had no idea that she was behind this.

"Well what do you want?" She asked me crossing her arms. Her room was a disaster.

"Have I ever told you that the status of ones room can reflect their character?" I asked her eyeing the piles of clothes on the floor.

"I doubt you came here to tell me to clean up." She rolled her eyes at me.

"Very well if you would like to cut to the chase." I said walking over to her I ripped the blanket off of her.

Alice eyes widened at me. I narrowed my eyes at Monica.

"Explain this please." I said staring her down.

Her heart rate started beating loudly and fast. I could smell the hormone that one put off when they are afraid. Her eyes darted around the room looking for something to explain with.

"I was f-fixing the heat in my bedroom." She said nervously.

"Why would you need to fix the heat? It is the perfect temperature in here." I said narrowing my eyes at her.

"Well I just fixed it." She said in a know it all manner.

"The heat takes almost 20 minutes to finally re-adjust those burns look as though they are only 5 minutes old." I stated eyeing her suspiciously.

She glared at me, "If you are accusing me of starting the fire at your room than you can leave."

"No one said that the fire was started by a person." Alice whispered softly to me.

"I'm not here to accuse anyone of anything." I said clenching my fist. "I came speak with the guilty!" I said louder and angrier.

"Who are you to accuse me of treason in my own room!" She yelled rising from her bed.

I stared her down hard. It seemed the farther I narrowed my eyes the louder her heart beat. Even if she hadn't started the fire she was defiantly involved. "I have no solid proof to accuse you of starting the fire, but I do have enough evidence to know you are involved. If you tell me who started the fire I may consider letting you off the hook."

"I think that you are just a depressed sad girl who is making up stuff to lay the blame on someone, face it, you probably left your heat on for to long." She said rolling her eyes at me.

"That might be true, if I ever turned my heat on. No one here ever mention the fire being started by a person and no one here mentioned it being a heat related fire. And you still have not truthfully answered my question, where, how, when, and why did you get those burns." I asked.

I pushed her down onto her bed and stared down at her with murderous intent.

"Fine I will tell the truth, I was walking past your room when there was a sudden explosion. I was caught in the blast and crawled back to my room to bandage my burns."

I narrowed my eyes at her. "The explosion was only a small one it wouldn't have affected anyone outside of my room. Try again, telling the truth must be new for you so I will give you one more chance."

Her heart rate was so fast. To Alice it may have looked like she was innocent but her increased heart rate from either fear or stress was a dead give away. She stared blankly at her floor not moving not speaking.

I flipped a knife out of my bag a put it underneath her chin pointing her head up to stare into my eyes. I narrowed my eyes farther at her glaring my lips were tight. "I can make you silent... permanently." I whispered in her ear. Her eyes widened.

"G-get out of my room, you are no longer welcome here!" She stuttered.

I took my knife off of her chin and placed it in my bag. "This will continue else where, unless you want to forfeit your next challenge in the tournament by locking yourself in your room." I said with a sly note to my voice.

Her eyes widened farther. I put my hand on the door knob and twisted it open. "The next time I see you things might be a little more... red." I said and with that I walked out with Alice behind me.

"I have never seen Monica so-" "Fragile, weak, terrified?" I asked cutting Alice off.

"Well... yeah." She said looking me in the eye. "Now what?"

"Now we eat it is dinner time is it not?"

(Alice's POV)

I followed behind her. I thought back to my time in Monica's room. Hisani scared me a little bit not even mentioning what she did to Monica! I have never seen Monica so insecure and vulnerable. Hisani has a way of being... extremely intimidating, and while doing so she can be very terrifying.  Every one else would be terrified at Hisani approaching them so  aggressively  heck of Hisani approached them at all.  Hisani was mysterious.  There were dozens of rumors about her going around. One is that she can hear a pin drop from a mile away.  Another is that she has no emotions.  But nobody knows these things because they don't know Hisani.  She wakes up early, trains mostly by herself, never talks to anyone, and is almost always isolated.  That is why I idolize her. Everything about her is awesome. Her skill, wit, hidden talents, everything!  Growing up here was hell.  I didn't have anyone that would stand up for me for anything. One day I was walking back to my room.  A group of boys much older than me were following me.  I was frightened but didn't do anything until I found myself cornered.  I tried to fight my way out but couldn't.  Then Hisani came in the shadows to my rescue.  She jumped onto the boys shoulders and decapitated them.  She had killed all 13 of them.  She never said anything to me that night but she gave me a look that gave confidence.  From then on I knew that I got lucky.  I also learned that if no one was going to be there for me I would have to stand up for myself.  From then on I trained none stop for the next few years until I believed that I had enough strength to be independent.  Until I seen Hisani training.  Her movement was something foreign to me.  I knew that in order to be like Hisani, independent, strong, calm, I would have to do what she does.  I memorized her training routines, I ate when she ate, I slept when she slept,  I was her shadow.  One thing that I still don't understand or know about Hisani is what drives her.

Sorry for the long break guys, when summer brake started I had to give up my schools computer and I hate typing on my iPod.  Tell me what you think, feel you have any ideas or questions I would love to hear from you!

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