Chapter 30 - Revolution

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<Ringo POV>

"Boys, I know what happened yesterday was tragic, but ye still have to carry on with yer lives." Brian explained.

We just filmed some new scenes in our movie, and we just arrived back in the hospital to watch Angie sleep, for the 4th week in a row.

"Brian, she might wake up, we can't miss a single thing." I snapped.

"I know this past month has been stressful, but we have to get movin'." Brian said.

"I know yer tryin' to help Brian, but please, leave us with Angie, alone?" John said, clearly irritated.

Brian nodded and walked out of the room.

The room was eerily silent until George started to strum his guitar. John joined in and so did Paul. I took out my drumsticks and fiddled with them.

"Hello little girl

Hello little girl

Hello little girl

When I see you everyday I say, mm you're my little girl." John sang.

Paul and George harmonized with him and I started drumming the beat. My mood was lifted a bit. I looked over at Angie, and she was AWAKE!

"ANGIE'S AWAKE!!!" I yelled.

She retreated further into the bed, frightened.

They stopped and put their guitars down, and scrambled to Angie's bedside.

"Annie, what's my name?" Paul asked.

She winced at Paul's question.

I heard all the boys hold their breaths when Angie opened her mouth to say something.

"W-who are ye?" She stammered.

"She's fine mates, she's back to her jokester self." John smiled.

"Where's Danielle? Julieta?" Angie started to freak out.

"Paul, get the doctor." George saidp

Paul ran out of the room.

"So the one who asked me his name is Paul." She inquired.

"That name rings a bell some where but I can't put me finger on it."

George was looking at her with his signature puppy dog eyes.

The doctor came in and smiled at Angie.

"Seems she woke up?" He asked.

"Yeah, 'bout 5 minutes ago, and she can't remember us'." I explained.

"Oh that's normal. But she should remember things from years before. She's free to go home, after a few lab tests. It could be months, days, or even years until she will regain her memory. Or maybe never." The doctor said.

"What?!" George cried.

"For now she'll need help doin' basic things. Walkin', tyin' her bootlaces, things like that. I will give ya some anti- anxiety pills that will calm 'er down when she gets anxious."

I glanced at Angie. She was focusing on George.

"He looks familiar." She muttered.

"How?" John intervened.

"I've seen his face before.-" She trailed off.

She looked like she was going to say something more.

"Ah! We played our guitars together." Angie smiled.

I looked over at George, who was beaming.

"How come she can remember him but not us?!" John demanded to the doctor.

"That's a good question. Ya can lose huge chunks of yer memory, but can still remember bits and pieces."

"I'm sorry if I can't remember ya all. I'm really am. Me mind is spinnin'." Angie said.

~ Few Hours Later ~

<Angie POV>

"Ok bye doc." The tallest man said.

"I still don't know yer names." I said out loud.

"Except for Paul." I looked at him. I remembered him because the one with the blue eyes called out for him.

"I'm George. The one you remembered." The one with the thickest Liverpudlian accent said.

"I'm John, Princess." The tallest one said.

"I'm not a princess. You can if ya wanna." I retorted.

They all burst into laughter.

"What?" I ask, blushing.

"That's what she said when we first me 'er!" George howled.

"And I'm Ringo." The short one said.

"Nice to meetcha, again." I smile.

We get home, or should I say to our hotel room and I saw someone waiting in the lobby waiting for us.

"Oh Angie! I'm so glad you're 'right! Sorry I couldn't come any sooner! I was in the good ol' sunny state." A man with slicked back hair said.

I slink back.

"She was in a coma for four weeks. She can't remember most things." Ringo explained.

"Oh that's horrible! I'm Elvis, honey. I came to your birthday party five weeks ago. " he said.

His face looked familiar.

"I remember you." I smile.

Elvis gives me a hug.

A buff man in all black tapped Elvis's shoulder.

"Mr. Presley, we need to get going. You have a plane I catch to Kentucky."

Elvis let go of me and waved.

"So long, I'll catch ya guys on the road." Elvis said leaving as quick as he came.

"I'm gonna hit the hay." Paul yawned.

"What time is it?"

"11:30 pm." George yawned.

"Ok let's get to our rooms." Paul said.

We went to the stairwell and started to walk.

At the 7 flight of stairs I was feeling dizzy.

"Uh why aren't we takin' the elevator exactly?" I wheeze.

" 'cause yer 'fraid of 'em. We got stuck in one a couple months ago, and ye wouldn't go in one at all." John replied.

"Oh, that's a good point."



Angie will get her memory back.

But I will be ending this book to start the sequel Girl.

I'm super excited for the sequel because it has a time pass in it and things really do flip. Just a heads up, some of the events in the book didn't happen to the boys. I just made them up. But perhaps some of the events did happen to them later in life.

I CARN'T WAIT!!!!!!!

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

~ C

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