Worlds Connect

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The power of blazing heat.
The power of graceful winds.
The power of charming tunes.
The power of chilling ice.
The power of lively flowers.
The power of everlasting love.

It has been a prophecy that 6 guardians in the world called Dreamy must reunite and bring peace to all the universe. But it has been said that after the last decedent of these heroines, they will be scattered in another world. It turns out that it's true.... 

They are on Earth.

As a young woman with long, crimson hair tied into a ponytail wearing a school uniform passes by the meadows she spotted something falling from the sky. She looked over at the falling object and jumps after seeing it. "What the heck!? Is that an astroid!?". After noticing it, she squinted her eyes to get a closer look. All she sees is a bright, purple light going down to a nearby forest. When the light meets the ground a loud thud was heard. The young woman was curious to see what that was, so she walked into the forest.

The young woman looked through the trees to see where the light landed, she wondered what the hell was that. After looking for 8 minutes she saw a crater with what looks like a person in the center. The young woman thought to herself 'wait, is that a person... No wait... That's a girl! How and where did she come from!'. She walked over to the girl kinda scared to think she most likely died. The young woman puts her ear to the girl's chest and listened.

             . . . . .
'Eh!? H-Her heart is beating! But how!? She came falling from the sky!' The young woman took a step back and looked at the girl. It looked like she's wearing some type of cosplay, but wait.... She has wings... Real wings!? The young woman poked the girl's cheek. The girl opened her eyes, they were a light shade of purple. The girl's eyes met the young woman causing her to jump.

"Eeep! Y-You're awake! No wait, alive!". The girl giggles and got up like she didn't fall from the sky to the hard ground.

"Of course I'm alive! I am a magical gi-". Before she finished she pointed a katana she surpassingly has to the young woman's neck. "Wait a second... Why are you near my body... Hold on... You're a HUMAN!!!". The girl backed away and the young woman looks at her confused.

"Excuse me? You're a human too, ma'am. I think you may have your memory lost...".

The girl moved closer to her, "Excuse you! I know who I am and everything else! I am Princess Viola from the land of Musica!".

The young woman looked at Viola still confused. "What?".

"Man, you humans are deaf! My name is Viola! Oh wait, in this form you can call me Tune!".

"Um... Form? What do you-".

"Human! Tell me your name this instance and why you were near my body!", Tune yelled.

"U-Um.... My name's Glacia..."

Tune's sharp glare turned into a smile. "Nice to meet you Glass!"

Glass. Glass... Glass...... That made Glacia snap, well maybe a little. She pulled Tune's ear causing her to yelp.

"You're coming with me and you're telling me what the hell are you because you don't seem to act like a person!"

Tune nodded and whimpers while Glacia pulls her somewhere.

Glacia wonders what is this girl named Viola who goes by Tune. She has goosebumps thinking why the hell she's taking Tune to her house. The bright side is that Glacia will soon find out this woman's deal with the wings, outfit, calling her human like she's an alien, and strange behavior. All of her questions will soon be answered.


After some time Glacia returned back at her house with the mysterious girl. 'Thank god mom and dad aren't home, they would flip if they found out I brought some stranger home... But wait, why did I bring her home?' .Glacia shrugged and walks to her room. Glacia sets Tune down and Tune looks up at her.



"Why did you bring me here?"

"I need to ask you something"

"You're not going to rape me, are you?" Tune shivered thinking about it.

"What the hell!? No!!!"

"Well then... What do you want from me..."

Glacia sits down. "I need to ask you some questions. First off, why do you have wings"

Tune glared at her. "Why should I tell you..."

"If you don't tell me I'm calling the police"

"I ain't scared of no police...."

"Okay..." Glacia thinks for a moment. "I'll... I'll... Give you no food for you to eat tonight?"

Tune made some sort of inhuman scared face. "Okay fine! Just give me something to eat.. I'm really hungry... Please tell me you have cake and cookies!!! Or maybe some fondue or ice cr-"


Tune jumped and shrieked "W-well... I'm kinda not a human like you... I'm a magical girl..."

"Tell me more"

"I have been chosen a year ago to become one because I'm one of the descendants of them..."

"And why are you here..."

"Well... I traveled here from my world to do a really important mission...."

"And that is?"

"..." Tune paused then continued making her voice a bit louder. "I need to gather the other magical girls to save my kingdom!"

"Other... magical... girls?"

Tune nodded and looks down. "I need to go back home with a whole team.... T-to save them all..."

Glacia moved closer to Tune. "What happened to your kingdom, Tune?"


"Tune? Viola?"

"... I'll tell you, just promise not to tell anyone else...."

Glacia nodded and takes out a note pad.

Tune looks over at the window. She slowly processes the memory of what happened to her home land.

~to be continued

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