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Hi kids my name is Clunk and here I will make a list of things that I do or that I like or that I.

My favorite food is Gatorade.
My other favorite food is bread.
I love to play soccer and even sometimes I go to air guitar contests.
My favorite color is 🐌 color.
I really like brooches!
My favorite window in the car is the back one.
My favorite word is Pop Corn.
I also really like to go to outside and jump around.
Sometimes I accidentally try to attack the floors.
One time I ate a flower'
My favorite dessert is ice cream.
My favorite ice cream is the one that is mint and chocolate.
My favorite movie ad is the one were everyone is super happy and then there are animals that are at home.
My favorite thing to do is to write with my left hand.
I also love to go to stores and play hide and seek.🦂

So that's pretty much my life. Have a good day and don't forget

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