Happy Potato and Carrot Day!

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Good day fellow potatoes, today we is gonna celebrate potatoes and carrots. We also like crocodiles. And we don't like crocs. So, we thought we could share a potato and carrot story. Bless you. So here goes. When clank is home alone clank likes to dress up in all brown lie down on the floor and pretend imma potato, and if I'm feeling extra potato-y I can be French fries 2 🍟. Happy leprechaun day. Clunk loves food, and dynasties. So when Clunk is alone Clunk dresses in orange, goes to mother's garden digs a hole, falls in the hole, and pretends to be a carrot. If you try this at home, make sure no one judges u... If they ask y ur a carrot say it's ur calling 😉. Happy not-birthday to most of u and for the older ones happy birthday. Cool Potato Beans guyzez! C u later and SCALABLE!!

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