Chapter 1

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Butters's POV:

I was inside my soon-to-be old room. My walls were a pale baby blue, a navy blue floor, and old tape marks from where I had torn down my posters. I walked over to my boxes and taped them up. I heard my cellphone buzz and I looked at the screensaver, when I saw that it said Kenny, I smiled brightly and picked it up, answering it. "Heya Kenny!" I greeted into the phone.

"Hey babe, how are you? Ready to go?" He asked with a cheeky grin in his voice.

I smiled softly and nodded, though he couldn't see. "Yeah, I'm just packing up my last box." I told him, walking over to my last box.

I heard his chuckle. "Okay, well I'm out front putting room for your stuff.." He said to me.

"Okie! I'll be out s-soon!" I told him. I was feeling excited! I couldn't wait to live with Kenny! We saved up our money and put it together to rent out an apartment, close to the college we were enrolled in. Tweek and Craig had gotten one right below ours, Stan and Kyle still haven't gotten an apartment yet! It irritated a lot of people. Their explanation was that they wanted to be sure they had enough money.

I heard a honk outside and looked outside, seeing my boyfriend in his red pickup truck. He looked at my window and smirked. "Heheh. Hey babe!!" He yelled up.

"Hi Kenny!" I yelled back. Kenny didn't wear his hoodie up anymore so his voice wasn't muffled anymore.

He pointed to the back of the truck. I nodded and pulled my head in. I gathered up my boxes in my arms and struggling down the stairs. I walked to my front door and had my mom open it for me. "Thank you mom." I thanked happily.

She nodded tearily with a smile. "I hope you are happy." She said to me.

I smiled at her. "Mhm... I'll be fine!" I promised her.

She gave me a look of worry. "Okay honey, if the going gets rough you can always come home." She said weepily.

I set down the boxes and gently hugged her. "I'll be fine, mom.. I promise.. Kenny will always protect me, you know this." I assured her.

She hugged back tightly before letting me go. "I know. He's a good kid. I hope you two last... I'm sorry your father is on a business trip so he wouldn't see you off... can  you forgive him?" She asked.

I nodded. "Of course! Its work! He can't help it! Plus, I'll just Skype him when I get there." I replied with a shrug.

She breathed a sigh of relief and helped pick up some boxes for me. "Alright then! Lets get you there!" She cheered softly.

I giggled and picked up the rest. We headed out to the truck and saw Kenny shuffling boxes and some furniture pieces around to make room. He turned and saw us, a grin on his face. He took the boxes from me and my mom, strapping them down in the back. "Alright! Ready?!" He asked excitedly.

I nodded with a slight laugh, blowing my blonde bangs from my eyes. I turned to look at my mom. "Okay mom, I'm off to college." I said.

She nodded. "Okay sweet-pea. Just be sure to call." She warned teasingly.

I nodded and hugged her tightly. I was going to miss her, but I was so excited to live with Kenny!! We parted and said our goodbyes, her crying a little bit, before Kenny and I headed off into the sunset. Just kidding. Sunrise.


Kenny's POV:

Ah ye man. Finally college years! Which meant awesome parties, getting to do whatever I want, and fucking Butters without a care in the world! Hell yeah! No, I didn't only use him for sex if that was what you were wondering. We got caught doing the do like six times, ended up getting Butters grounded for a month, which was torture!! Well, I think I'm a sex addict.

ANYWAYS! We got in my red pickup truck and buckled in. It smelt like musty metal or some shit. Butters didn't seem to mind. He was gazing out the window, staring as South Park left our view. Tweek and Craig already left for their apartment about a week ago. They got a head start. Lucky bastards. We would've left earlier, but my truck broke down, so I had to get it fixed before we went anywhere.

"Hey Kenny." Butters called softly.

I looked over at his adorable little face. His blue eyes were the most precious thing in the world! Other than dat booty doe ;) "Hm?" I hummed in reply.

He looked into my icy ocean eyes, hell yeahs! Gettin' poetic! Goddamn you Pip. "I.. uhm.. just wanted to say.. how happy I am.. I didn't think we'd last this long.. honestly..." He admitted.

I adjusted my hands on the steering wheel. "Eh? Why would you think that?" I questioned, feeling slightly hurt by it.

He noticed what his said and his face turned red. He waved his hands around. "Th-That's not what I meant! I m-mean.. well.. when we first started dating.. you didn't want to come out... so I was kinda hurt by it. Then when we did finally come out and tell people.. they kept telling me you were only after my body because I'm so easy.." He explained.

My eyes widened. "Butters. I would never use someone's body. I only ever do that is if they're willing and won't get hurt by it. I used to only have one-night stands until I met you. I finally found someone I love and that I could have sex with without feelings gross." I told him, a smile on his face.

Butters giggled, heavenly music shall now play, and leaned over to kiss my cheek. "You're very cheesey, but I love you." He said with an adorable smile on his lips.

I grinned from ear-to-ear. "I love you too, Butterscotch." I mused. God, this boy made me really happy. Butters smiled at me before leaning back in his seat. I chuckled as he yawned. "Up all night?" I asked.

He nodded, rubbing his eyes softly. "Yeah... I was up all night packing and planning." He told me.

I nodded. "Well, you could take a nap. I'll wake you up when we get there." I said. Butters thanked me before reaching back to grab a blanket and covering himself before he dozed off.

I smiled at the sight before going back to the road. It would take about two hours to get there. Hopefully everything will turn out okay.

Butters x Kenny = Bunny (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now