Chapter 2

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Butters's POV:

We made it to the apartment building! It was called "Viva La Apartments" Nice play on words. We gathered up as many boxes in our hands as we could hold before trudging up the stairs. 

We saw a doorknob turning and then it revealed Craig. "Oh, hey guys." He greeted with a wave of his hand.

I smiled at him and nodded to him instead of waving, hands were full. "Hello Craig! Where's Tweek?" I asked sweetly.

"Ah, he's still asleep. I kept him up all night." He said with a wink.

"Ew." I commented and stuck out my tongue.

Kenny snickered. "Whoa. Good for you, bro." He said, adjusting the boxes so he could brofist Craig. 

I rolled my eyes. "Animals." I said before trudging up the stairs.


I was putting the objects in the boxes away, when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I looked up and saw a familiar pair of green eyes. "Hey Tweek!!" I greeted happily.

Tweek giggled. "H-Hey Butters." He greeted back, lightly hugging me.

I hugged back and we stood there for a few moments before pulling apart. "How's it goin'?" I asked excitedly.

He blushed. "I-Its going well... C-Craig is being kind.. s-so that's a p-plus." He said softly.

"How kind?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows in a suggestive way.

This action made Tweek turn a fire engine red. "B-Butters!!" He screeched, covering his red face.

I giggled. "Hahaha! You're still so easily flustered!" I mused.

"I-It's only b-been a week since w-we last saw each other." Tweek commented.

"Oh yeaaah! Dur! I forgot! HAha!" I laughed.

He laughed along with me. "D-Do you need.. mnh.. help?" He questioned, smiling politely.

I nodded. "If you'd like to. There's still some boxes in the truck, could you get them for me?" I asked, tilting my head.

He nodded eagerly. "O-Of course! Be r-right back!" He said, running down the stairs.

About a minute later I heard, "C-CRAIG! GET YOUR H-HANDS OFF MY ASS!!" He screeched. 

I giggled. He really was something. Kenny soon walked in and had a grin on his face. "Ah yes, seeing Craig getting slapped is truly a joy." He mused.

I smiled at him. "Heheh. Want me to slap you?" I asked, curling my lips into a coy smile.

He paled. "Uhm.. no thanks. Not like you could reach my face anyways." He taunted.

I scoffed and stood up, chasing him down the halls. "Get back here redneck!" I yelled jokingly.

He stuck out his tongue and turned a corner, resulting in me almost crashing into Tweek. "GAH!"


I continued to chase my boyfriend through the halls till he lost stamina. I grinned mischievously and tackled him to the ground. "DOG PILE!" I mused and lightly slapped him. "I win!" I chirped.

He chuckled and sat up, kissing my nose. "Yeah yeah. ONly because you don't suck at running." He said with a sneer.

I rolled my eyes and leaned into his chest. "Oh really?" I asked with a giggle.

He nodded, lifting me up, and carrying me as I wrapped my legs around his waist and neck. He carried me to our apartment, just as Tweek was leaving it. He waved before bounding down the gray marble stairs.

We entered our apartment and I looked around. The walls were a honey mustard color, floors oak hardwood flooring, the kitchen and living room were  connected. The kitchen had a counter that stuck out from the wall so you could use it was a table. The cabinets were a faded brown, along with the faded white tiles. The living room had a step that you had to walk up on to get to it. That was really cool. We moved boxes that weren't unpacked, out of the way so we could walk through. There was two hallways. One on the left that lead to the fire escape, and one on the right where two bedrooms were, a bathroom, and a hall closet. The doors were an oak brown and were squeaky when used.

I sighed. "Its going to take a while to fix it up." I commented. He nodded in agreement and we walked to the rooms.

The master bedroom, which we would be using, had a faded and worn out periwinkle blue color, the floor was again hardwood, the closet built into the wall. It was spacious. Our mattress was on the floor with our bed spread messily on top. We haven't set up any of the furniture yet, besides the couch and TV. 

We walked into the other room. We were going to use it as our office/homework/study area. The walls were white and the floors this time were navy blue. We bought a desk, but it was still in its box, leaning against the wall. There was two bookshelves lined among the walls, and a striped blue and white chair was in between them for reading.

We walked out of the room after tidying it up. We walked down the hall and went into the bathroom. It wasn't as gross as I thought it'd be. The walls were pink and tiled, the floors were a white and pink checkered print, a white toilet, sink, and shower-tub. The curtain's were a see-through white though. 

"Why'd it have to be piiink?" Kenny whined.

I laughed. "Oh come on. It isn't that bad." I told him, nudging his arm.

He smirked. "I have an idea~" He purred.

I gulped. I knew where this was going. 

He took me to our room, slammed me down on our bed, and we had a very pleasurable night together ;D

Butters x Kenny = Bunny (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now