Love, Lust, and Pizza Crust

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Adrien POV

The next morning I had woken up smiling. I don't know why. Something seemed brighter today. It was still raining outside, but I loved the rain. I got dressed and headed downstairs into the mansions kitchen. Father's assistant Natalie left my schedule after school for a photo shoot and instantly my mood was killed. Instead, I tossed the paper in the garbage and left the house without bothering to say good morning to father. Not that he would answer me.

I opened my closet and grabbed a hoodie, and slid it on before ducking into the rain. I could feel Plagg wiggling around in my pockets, probably looking for a snack or trying to grab a hold of something. When I approached the school I slowed my pace and walked inside. I was earlier than usual, and I took my seat in the back of the class. Very few people were here, but only Chloe was the one who gave me any attention.

"Adri-kins!" she squealed grabbing my arms and giggling in my ear. I tried really hard to surpress a sigh. The last person I wanted to see right now was Chloe. One by one my other classmates began to file into the classroom. I scanned the room for signs of Marienette but she was nowhere to be found. Moments before the bell would ring for class to start Mari burst in the room with pink cheeks, she must have been running.

I couldn't help smiling at the sight. She was wearing a short red top with a black and white flannel and black jeans. Her hair was a little damp and was coming out of its bun placed at the top of her head. She smiled at Alya then her gaze shifted to me. To my surprise she began to walk towards me, her smile fading but never gone.

My pulse began to race. Had she forgiven me? Was she going to yell at me? When she finally reached my desk I stared at her, my eyes wide but hands clenched in fear. She reached into her bag and pulled out a black umbrella. She handed it to me, and I slowly took it.

"This is yours, I forgot I had it. And... sorry for hitting you in the library yesterday. That was uncalled for." she said. Without waiting for an answer, she walked back to her desk and sat next to Alya. Chloe tugged at my arm again. "Adri-honey, were not supposed to talk to...the lower class." she said with bitterness that could take out everyone in this room. Instead I pulled my arm away from Chloe and continued to gaze at My Princess. She didn't know it yet. But she had killed one of my demons.


Mari POV

I was on protrol for the first time this month. The city had been quiet, along with the whereabouts of Ladybug.

"Well, here I am." I whispered. The view from the tower was always beautiful. I guess it felt different from the night of the incident. Chat wasn't out tonight, I can see why. It looked like it was going to start raining again. I threw my yo-yo and swung back across town towards the bakery. I saw the lights on in the kitchen and stopped in my tracks. Mother said she wasn't going to get back from her trip for another week.

I detransformed and slowly open the front door. There was one of the kitchen lights on, but no cabinets or doors were open. "Mom?" I called out. When there was no response, the slightest bit of fear spread through my body. All I could hear was my heartbeat. I turned towards the stairs towards my trap door. I quickly clicked off the kitchen light and rushed up the stairs, a childish attempt to reach security of my bedroom. I pushed open the door and locked it behind me.

I turned and almost screamed in surprise. Sitting in the center of my room was Chat, on a large blanket with a pizza box, two cokes and a tub of coffee ice cream. He was smiling when he saw me and quickly jumped to his feet.

"My lady has returned for her present!" he said wrapping his arms around me as he lifted me into the air and spun me around.

"Chat what in the worl-"

"Shh! Don't ask any questions. This is my gift from me to you, Princess." he answered setting me down. I looked up at him in confusion. Unlike me, Chat had grown taller over the summer, my head only reached his chest.

"Why?" I asked slowly. For a moment his eyes seemed to flash and he looked down at me with a sad face.

"Would you like me to leave-" "NO- please stay. I mean- thank you. I'm sorry where are my manners! I just got nervous down stairs and-" Chat put a finger on my lips to stop my rant. He took the same hand and placed it on my cheek. I looked at him for a moment, why was he staring at me? I quickly brushed my hand against my face looking for signs of dirt or anything weird. He laughed and released me, heading back towards the blanket full of food.

I let out a breath I hadn't realized I had been holding and looked down at myself. I realized that I was only wearing a t-shirt and jeans and quickly wrapped my arms around my chest to hide my arms and darted to my closet. I quickly took off my dirty clothes and pulled on a black sports bra, shorts and my fathers jacket. Before I left my closet I quickly rolled the sleeves over my hands and looked at myself in the mirror. 'He was staring at ME' I thought to myself.

I sat down next to Chat and began to munch on a slice of pizza. He began to explain the movie as it was already past the beginning. I found myself staring at his features while he talked. I noticed everything about him. His eyes, muscles, smile hair. When I could I would find any way possible to get closer to him, like distance was no longer an option.

When the movie was over, I closed my eyes as the TV was clicked  off. I was laying down on the soft blanket while Chat looked back at me as I pretended to be asleep. He picked me up and I held my breath as he laid me down onto my bed. He laid down next to me and watched me for a few moments.

"I know your awake Mari." he said to me with a smile. I slowly opened my eyes and looked at him, thanking the lord that it was dark and he couldn't see me blushing. His face was close to mine again. I was buzzing. Why was I buzzing? I was nervous. I was excited?

"Thanks for the-""Can I try something-" we both tried to say. I giggled and he smiled at me.

"Sure, what is it?" I asked him, resisting the urge to scoot closer. "Close your eyes." he told me. I closed them and held my breath again. What was he doing? I felt the bed shift and I could feel his breath on my face. Was this happening? Did I want it? I waited for our lips to come into contact when-

His ring beeped. We both jumped. When I opened my eyes he was right in front of me. My heart sank and I bit my lip. He slowly pulled away and sighed.

"Thanks for tonight Chat..." I slowly said as he looked up at me again and cleared his throat. "Anything for you. Princess" he said using his gloved hand to cup my cheek, His lips brushed against my cheek and I smiled wide. Before I knew it, he had disappeared into the night, my curtains shifting through the wind of the open window.

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