Chapter 8: Jameson

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What had I done?

My eyes were closed, but my body had been awake for quite some time now. I knew I couldn't lay here forever. I knew I would have to get up and deal with the perfect little body that was currently wrapped around me like a second skin. I knew I would have to tell him this had been a one time thing and possibly force him to let me go.

I would be a liar if I said I hadn't enjoyed it. Of course I had. I mean look at Nat. Who wouldn't enjoy someone so delectable grinding their-

Nathaniel groaned, his body pulling away from me and even with my eyes closed I could imagine him sitting up in bed, rubbing the sleep from his gorgeous green eyes. He hummed, most likely looking at the clock on my wall that ticked away the seconds of the morning. Then I felt him sliding from the bed, his bare feet making no sound as they touched the ground. "I'm taking your shirt Jamie. It's cold. We leave in thirty minutes so get up." He said from beside me, flipping on my bedside lamp. I blinked, my eyes burning at the sudden change.

He was already turning away from me, one of my t shirts hanging to cover just beneath his bottom. "Nat I-"

"Don't worry. I'll give it back once I put on my uniform." He assured me and left my room without another word. I sat up, my hand reaching up to ruffle my bed head. That was weird right? Since when was Nat normal?

I decided I was reading too much into Nat getting ready for school so easily this morning. Maybe he knew we would talk about it later so he was being rational and getting the day started. Since when is Nat that rational, I groaned internally.

Thirty minutes later we were both dressed and in my car on our way to school. I looked over at him, ready to speak when his phone started ringing. "Hello?" He answered it, turning to stare out the car window. "I didn't... well tell Mickey to watch him till I get there. I still think you're overreacting Nikolai. Ian isn't that irresponsible... he did what? You're kidding me? No way!" He turned to me. "Drive faster."

"I'm driving the speed limit." I countered. "We'll be there in like five minutes. What's the problem?"

"The problem is Ian is going to get himself expelled and the Headmaster is gonna kill us all ." He groaned, the phone still pressed to his ear. "I can't get there any sooner Nik- Wait! Just go find Mona. No i'm not crazy! Go get Mona! Tell Mona I told her to go in there and drag him out by his nostrils if she has to! She'll do it! You're wasting a lot of time arguing with me when you could be solving our problems by sending in Mona. Trust me okay? Mona will know exactly how to handle this. Alright, i'm almost there too. Bye."

"What is Ian doing now?" I asked as we stopped at a red light.

"He had to pee and since they changed his favorite restroom into one for the girls, he thought he could sneak in before any girls showed up, but he was wrong and now he's panic texting Nikolai from one of the stalls with like ten girls in there." He summarized, just as we pulled into the school parking lot. I parked in my designated spot and sighed. Why did I think this was a good idea? Was i that desperate to be out of a job? "Come on Jamie."

"What? Where are we going?" I frowned. "I'm not going to help you imbeciles. I told you to be on your best behavior and you disobeyed me."

"Well if another teacher catches him, you'll be the one explaining to the Headmaster why one of YOUR students is in trouble on the second day." He reminded me.

"Shit." I snapped, jumping out of the car and following quickly behind Nat. "Just wait till I get through with Ian. He's going to be in detention more than he's in school."

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