Chapter 13: Nathaniel

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"I don't see why i'm still being punished." I pouted, resting my head on Ian's desk. School was out and we were waiting for the rest of club to get here. "I told Jamie I was sorry."

"You're really cute Nat, but you've really shit the bed on this one." Ian was rubbing my head, stroking me like a lazy cat. "You got so drunk in a club he had to come to your rescue before the press got wind of it. I'm surprised he didn't bend you over and punish you."

"I didn't meant to!" I defended myself, leaving out the large argument we had when I saw him with some girl. Ian didn't know the full extent of Jamie and I's relationship, although he constantly made jokes referencing to a more intimate dynamic.

"No shit Nat, he's your teacher and your guardian. It makes sense he'd be extra pissed." Ian pointed out. "I mean, he's already way harder on you than everyone else. He expects more from you and that must've really shattered his illusion of the whole perfect, 'can do no wrong Nat' he's used to."

"I get it! Stop sounding smart already!" i grumbled, ducking my head into my arms. "It's like everything has gone backwards. He doesn't want to talk about it. It's like he's afraid of talking about what happened or something. He called my parents and they agreed to ground me so he won't even let me go out for work related stuff."


"What are you two doing here? I've been calling you!" Nikolai yelled, his sunglasses hiding the glare he was certainly sending to us. "We have a very unfortunate situation developing."

"What happened?" I asked, getting to my feet and pulling Ian up by his collar.

"The girls have gathered in the auditorium. They're formulating a formal request to return to their school ahead of schedule." Nikolai said through gritted teeth.

"Finally. They're nice to look at, but I want the good bathrooms back." Ian sighed.

"No! You idiot!" Nikolai snapped. "If the girls ask to end the merger between our schools we have no choice, but to agree. That means another press conference. That means prying questions that pick apart our school as a sexist, unwelcoming hell hole. That means our financial backers pull donations and-"

"No more Saint Anthony's." I finished for him. "What do we do?"

"We convince them to stay." Nikolai said simply.

"If it's that simple why are you panicking?" Ian asked.

"I don't panic." Nikolai corrected him. "I do, however, need your idiot's expertise."

"What? You want Ian to help?" I laughed aloud, unable to cover up my shock. "This Ian? Ian Everett?"

"Yes." Nikolai said slowly. "Unfortunately, if anyone can convince another person to make decisions against their best interests, it's the person who always goes against his best interests."

"I resent that." Ian said quickly. "But I do now how to get them to stay."

"What?" I turned to stare at him. "You've only had like two minutes to think about it."

"It's not rocket science Nat. They're just girls. They're creatures with a clear, structural hierarchy amongst their groups, where one always reigns supreme. It's not a matter of convincing all of them. It's a matter of convincing one." Ian rambled off. "And the one we've got to convince just so happens to be the one on Nat's dick."

"What?" I frowned.

"Of course." Nikolai said, ignoring me. "Mona is obviously their monarch. If she tells them to stay then they will. To go against her is social suicide."

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