Chapter 2

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"Woah... It's... So loud I here...." I was stunned.

"Hey that's my thing!" one of the sisters said.

"Huh?" I was confused.

Luna just laughed, "That was Luan, you just stole a pun from her, bro."

"How was that a pun though?" I asked, still confused.

"Our last name is Loud," Lucy said, once again getting straight to the point.

"Pffff hahahahaha!!!" I found this quite amusing. This was quite ironic considering that I didn't like noise... But if it meant new friends then I was completely okay with it!

"So how about I introduce you to everyone and show you around. I could let you play my guitar so you could show me what you know. Now or later we'll start that band, bro," Luna smiled and said.

"Okay!" I was enthusiastic this time. I was excited to meet new people. I was a little shy but not too much.

So I followed Luna around as she rounded up her siblings to introduce me to them.

"Okay line up everybody!" The oldest announced, and the younger girls followed her commands. "My name is Lori, nice to meet you," Lori smiled and shook my hand. After that she left and went right back to texting some guy name Bobby. She wouldn't stop talking to him or about him.

Luna stood by my and took me down the line of siblings:

"Okay so there's Lily, Lisa, Lola, Lana, Lynn, Luan, Leni," Luna said.

"Wow... So you all have names starting with the letter L? That's actually kind of cool," I smiled.

"Yeah, it was something our parents wanted to do I guess. Not sure why they decided the letter L though..." Luna said. I really looked up to her. "So how old are you? Like 14? 15?"

"Oh no.... I'm only 12," I giggled.

"12!? Wow I thought you were older! That's okay, I'd still like to start a band with you bro," Luna smiled kindly and I smiled back. She was like the sister I never had.

Luna lead me up to her room where I showed her my guitar skills and she showed me hers. She was way better than me but she was still impressed by what I already knew.

"Wow! You're pretty good bro!" She said.

"Thanks! I've practiced a lot. One of my mom's boyfriends taught me a little on guitar. That' how I learned," I said.

"Oh that's cool!" Luna said and we just kept chilling in her room until I got a text from my mom:

"Where are you?"  It read.

"I'm at a friends house. Can I stay and come home later?"  I replied.

"Of course dear :)"

"Thanks mom!"

"What was that all about?" Luna asked.

"Oh it was just my mom." I replied

"Oh... Are you in trouble?"

"No. She probably just wants me home before dark is all."

"Wow. You mom is pretty lenient. You must have a lot of freedom... Being an only child and all..." Luna looked down a little.

"Why? Do you not have a lot of freedom?" I asked.

"Well I definitely couldn't just tell my mom I'm at a strangers house and her be okay with it. Get what I'm putting down, bro?"

"Yeah yeah... I get it... Wow, that must suck..."

"It does... But I wouldn't trade my family for anyone else's. I'm too use to it being busy all the time!" she laughed.

"Hahaha, oh I see," I smiled.

Then there was a knock at the door:

"Who is it~??" Luna hollered.

"It's Lincoln!"

"Okay, you can come in," she said.

"Who's Lincoln? I thought you introduced me to everyone. I thought you only had sisters?" I was a little confused.

"Oh yeah... I kinda sorta forgot to get my little brother, Lincoln..." She just shrugged.

Lincoln walked in and shut the door behind him quietly.

"I'm sorry to bother you, I just-" he turned around and his eyes met mine. "Uhhhh, who is that??" he was pointing at me.

"Oh this is (Y/N), she's my new friend," Luna said. Wow, she just called me her friend! "So what did you want?"

"Oh uh..... Uh... I just wanted to borrow some socks... Lori won't do my laundry again... She's too busy texting Bobby..." Lincoln looked down at his feet.

"That's okay little bro, you can borrow some socks," Luna dug through her sock drawer to find a pair of socks with skulls and crossbones on them, and of course, they were purple.

She threw the socks at Lincoln.

"Wow thanks sis!" Lincoln exclaimed. It was obvious that he was very happy.

"So was that it then? Or were you hoping to hang with us?" Luna crossed her arms, but she wasn't irritated.

"Oh yeah... Can I? Can I hang out with you guys?" Lincoln seemed a little shy.

"Is that okay with you (Y/N)?" Luna asked me.

"Uhhh.... Sure?" I wasn't sure about this... But he seemed okay.

"So what are we talking about?" Lincoln asked. 

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