Chapter 1-Destination Despair

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AUTHORS NOTE: It has come to my attention that the official game spells Souda like Soda.  However I like the Souda spelling better anyway but I can change it.  Let e know in the comments ;)


A classroom.  An empty classroom.  No one here, just me.  I feel smaller, younger, I look down.  I'm dressed in black jeans and a black tank top.  I guess I'm the Ultimate Ninja.  I reach into my pocket and poke my thumb. It's three sharp shurikens.  They fell heavy.  It doesn't hurt to be prepared.  There's a journal sitting on a desk next to me.  It must be for me.  I slip it away.  

Then I realize something.  If Souda were to see me and recognize me then there could be problems.  I grab a mirror that I knew would be in the desk and concentrate on my face. I watch in amazement as my hair shortens and becomes silver. My irises melt until they no longer look like they used to. Instead, I stare at myself with crystal Ice eyes.  I know I don't look like me anymore.  I sit calmly in the corner waiting for everyone.

The "new" high school students file in.  They are confused by their situation and I pretend to be confused too.  I don't talk to them.  I feel bad, but then I remember who they are.  They sit at desks or pace the room, searching for answers.  No one approaches me, which is good. 

Finally he walks in.  

His hair is neon pink again, his yellow jumpsuit isn't covered with blood.  His pink eyes land on me.  Sh*t.  Recognition clicks in him and a shark grin begins to appear, but it goes away as I try to look confused at his actions.  It was just a flash.  Good.  He looks away quickly thinking its just a mistake.  I busy my hands with the shurikens, feeling the sharp pointed edges of the cold metal.  It helps me feel grounded.

The last student walks in and everyone begins to chatter.  I space out, thinking of how unreal this whole thing feels.  I barely notice when everyone looks at me.  They keep glaring. I shake my head and look at everyone.

"So were you the first one here?" questions a girl with blonde hair and two pigtails.  She is wearing an orange traditional dance dress and a sneer that makes me know that she will be annoying.  And a bi*ch.  

"Cause if you don't know, then you're just as stupid as that pink haired guy," she says in a disgusted voice.  

"H-Hey!" He tries to defend himself.  I want to punch her stupid mouth.  

"Yes, I was the first person here," I state calmly, "What of it?"  

"Did anything look suspicious?" asks a girl with short red hair.  She has a camera around her neck making me think that her talent is photography.  

"No," I say turning towards the students," just a normal classroom," I look back towards the wall, as if it was super cool.  End of discussion.  Suddenly, a pink bunny appears out of nowhere and introduces herself as Usami Magical Miracle Girl, or Usami.  This must be what Naegi was talking about.  She looks like a stuffed animal and is wearing a pink dress.  She has a wand that she starts waving around.  She starts telling us about hope and teamwork and, I stop listening.  I look back at the wall ignoring everyone else.  I barely notice when the walls fall and an island is revealed, my island.  

My home. Everything looks the exact same. I'm hit with such nostalgia that I stop listening to the bunny and her spiel.

Until I feel a hand on my shoulder.  Its Souda.  Does he already know?  Panic spreads through my mind.  Stay calm.

"Hey don't you want to explore the island?" he asks.  I breathe a sigh of relief.  I look around.  Everyone else has disappeared.  

"Oh um, yeah," even though I know what this island looks like.  I stand up brushing his hand off my shoulder.  

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