What am I!?!?

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Rose's pov

After school papa took me to Ashley's house. When I went in the house I saw smoke coming from the kitchen. 'Oh no, THOR'S COOKING!!!!' I mentally shrieked. "I'll get the fire extinguisher!" I heard Ryan shout from somewhere in the house.

"Brother! What are you trying to do? Kill us!!" I heard Thor shout. 'Really, his cooking nearly killed me! I'm pretty sure he's in no position to judge to someone's cooking. Wait, brother? OH COME ON!!! GOD AND JESUS WHAT DID I DO WRONG!?!? I only missed Catholic church once!'

"Ashley!? Thor, Jane, Ryan!? Is everyone alright!?" I shouted. Coughing slightly because of the smoke.

"Yeah, Ro."


"I've suffered Thor's cooking I think I can handle Loki's, Rose." Jane called out.


"You said you liked my cooking!"

"Loki's here. Keep him away from me! My brother will hurt us both if he found out he's staying here! Then my dad will kill him, then me, then him again."

"Well, it's nice to know I'm welcomed." Loki said, his voice dripping with sarcasim.

"Well if you want to be welcomed open the back door to let the smoke out, you numbskull!" I growled. I was trying to be scary, but this guy scared the heck out of me!

"No need for name calling." He replied, seeming board. I could hear he walked away, everyone has very different footsteps. Much like snowflakes.

About half an hour later the smoke was cleared and everyone was drinking something. Mostly lemonaid and water.

"So, I have to find a new hang out spot. Thank a lot your royal jerkness." I growled at Loki.

"Is that the thanks I get when after class I gave that girl who was disrespecting you detention?I must be unappreciated."

"You did what!?!? We staged that! Natasha and Clint are not gonna like this, Ro. Natalie is their only daughter!" Ashley squeaked from her seat on the couch.

"Wait, what?" Loki asked. Completly clueless.

"Well, almost all the Avengers adopted a kid after what happened in New York. They wanted families to raise and take after them. Bruce and Tony don't have kids. Although rumor has it that Pepper's expecting!" I gossiped. What the heck, I never gossip! I blame Loki for this.

**************2 hours later*********************

Loki's pov

"Are you staying here?" I asked my Luna.. No Rose, around 9:00 P.M.

"Yeah. Every other weekend I stay over. The other weekends Ash stays at my place in Stark Tower. Tony had remodeled because of you and because I kept painting the place blue and green. You should have seen his face when I turned his hair pink!" She laughed. If I had any doubt that she was my daughter it just disappeared.

"I saw on the paper I handed out in class you put that the most hated people in your eyes are your birth parents. Why is that?" I had to know. Why did my daughter hate me so?

"I guess it's more along the lines of why did they not want me? They left me on the side of a freeway! They abandoned me and left me to die in patch of Roses! Was I that much of an inconvenience to them? I just feel like if I cry I let them win, so I hate them for that!" She answered, trying to hold back tears. My gods, I did exactly what Laufey did to me. What have I done? Maybe go another way.

"Well, what if they were homeless and were planning on coming right back to you? It could happen. Or what if they wanted to give you your best chance." I kept going. Hoping to change her mind. I am called silver tongue for a reason. Or maybe not.

"Then why didn't they look for me!? They could have at least taken me to a hosptial! And I know they weren't homeless. Papa found me wrapped in sheet that looked like it was made from silk imported from India. At least they didn't want me to freeze." She sneered. 'At least Sygin thought ahead.'

"Well, at least your talking to someone who knows. My father left me to die, too."

"I didn't say that my father left me. Family is bound by love, not blood."

"Then I'm an orphan. No father or mother." I replied in defeat. Then Luna did something. She hugged me. I don't care if even it was out of sympathy, I hugged back. This was the only time I might ever hug my daughter. I closed my eyes and held her tight. When I did open my eyes I saw her skin turning blue. Along with the frost giant marks that are starting to appear. I let go of her and she looked down at her arms.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?" She screamed her head off.

Of course then my brother came into the room, with his family.

"Brother, did you do something or is she......"  He trailed off

"The second one. Definitely, the second one." I answered.

"Ro, calm down. We'll figure this out."

"What am I!?!?" Was the last thing she said, before she fainted.

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