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I am SO sorry for not updating yesterday! My family was in town and I forgot. I had to re-type this. So here's the story, again so sorry!

Rose/Luna's pov

After Christmas Kate and I went to the mall to start shopping for stuff that might be needed for the Wedding. Knowing that both Kate and Papa were a little to proud, they would be planning the wedding. By 'they' I meant Kate and I would be doing all the work while Papa just needed to write his vows, write his speech, bring the ring, and show up to the wedding. Our first stop was actually the food court. I thought it would be a bridle store. But, hey, what do I know? God knows I'll never get married.

"Alright we need a game plan. I say pizza, milkshakes, fries, and fried ice cream. Extra greasy!" Kate said. How did my dad get her!? Oh yeah, he saved her life. Wait, how is she talking about food!? The wedding is in four months!

"What about all the wedding stuff? I mean, didn't you have any ideas, or hot spots with good deals on the wedding supplies. Or what about the guest list, or food, or location!? This is your wedding Kate, it should be magical like in the movies!"

"This is your first wedding isn't it?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Sweety, I would rather keep it short and sweet. All the weddings I've been to were long and boring. I don't want to have to make you bring your D.S. and ipod. So don't go all bride-zilla on me, or in your case bride-made-zilla." She smiled warmly at me.

"Wait, Bride Maid? Isn't that the jobs your best friends? Usually the step-daughter is a flower girl or something. Sometimes she's not even in the wedding." I replied, slightly dumbfounded.

"What!? Not have you in the wedding, Suger-cube, if it wasn't for you I don't think we'd be talking about this. Now, since I don't have any sisters, and my friends all wanted to be bride's maids, that only leaves one spot open for you." She said mysteriously.

"Um... Flower girl?"

"Nope, MAID OF HONOR!" She squiled. I'm the maid of honor.

"Okay. Now I know the perfect the place for the dresses and there's a wonderful food place that will cature the wedding. Kate, I'm gonna make this wedding so magical Disney will be jealous!" I smiled juat imagining it.

"Oh dear. What have a turned my sweet little step-daughter into? We might come back to your house with half the mall!" Kate laughed.

"Like you said, Bride-maid-zilla." I laughed to. "We can start wedding planning tomorrow."

"Thank goodness! For a second I was going to have to run screaming 'RUN, IT'S BRIDE-MAID-ZILLA!'" Kate was laughing so hard now tears were streaming down her face.

Wedding planning must wait, right now I need to enjoy my new soon-to-be-step-mom.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it, I got a text.

'Going to Asgard for a week, want to see your birth place? I leave in three days.' It was from Loki. I replied so fast I thought I might brake my phone, again.

'Heck yeah! I'm in!' Was my reply. 'Yup this is the life.' I thought as I ate my greasy pizza from Subrow. Come at me world, I'm happy. I hope didn't jinx myself.

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