Chance Meeting

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What would you do to bring her back?

Naruto cried and punched the ground. "I'd die for her!"

The voice scoffed, hot air blowing Naruto back. That doesn't impress me, boy. Anyone can lay down and die. I want to know if you would kill... I want to know if you'd destroy your very soul and become a ruthless killer. With my dark chakra flowing through you, you can become a human bijuu, but it will take time and will slowly taint your mind...but you will be strong enough to kill all those responsible and learn a jutsu to bring her back, or even go back in time.

Naruto's watery eyes looked up to the fox. "I'll do it...make me a monster....

Naruto sat up in a cold sweat, heart beating eradically. A person stood in front of him, looking concerned.

For a split second Naruto thought they would try to hurt him. This isn't konoha, relax... He told himself before standing.

"Are you alright? You were sleeping out here, you'll get sick..." The voice was feminine but off slightly. "I'm Haku Yuki by the way."

This man is surprisingly feminine looking, kit.... The nine tails spoke in Naruto's mind. "Naruto."

"Why are you out here Naruto?" The older boy asked curiously, his long hair and pink kimono making Naruto doubt Kurama.

"I was training. I need to be stronger." Naruto leaned against the tree behind him, the burning in his muscles made him weaker than he should be.

"But you look plenty strong already. Do you fight for someone precious to you?" Haku looked at him with interest.

Naruto's mind flashed with images of Hinata, playing together, eating together, she confirmed him through his nightmares. She had been his only light in a dark world. "No. I don't fight to protect my precious person, because my precious person was murdered. I fight to avenge her."

Haku suddenly hugged Naruto, and he surprised himself by not pushing the older boy away. "That's terrible...I can only imagine the pain of losing my most precious person."

Then an explosion was heard a mile away that separated the two.

Naruto sensed a spike in malicious chakra and tried to run towards it.

"Wait Naruto, let me help." Haku slipped off the kimono, revealing a black muscle shirt, grey pants, and a needle pouch on each hip.

Naruto nodded.

"Kukukuku you lasted longer than I thought, and I'm surprised you aren't unconcious yet." Orochimaru stood over Sasuke, who was twitching violently and convulsing.

"" Sasuke growled, the mark on his neck was flowing Nature chakra into him and if not for learning how to control it he would be unconcious right now.

Sasuke clutched his neck as a fresh wave of pain hit him, knocking him to his knees.

Orochimaru stalked forward, like a predator towards wounded prey. Then his eyes widened as he leaped back to avoid being crushed by Naruto's red chakra covered punch.

Naruto landed in a crouch in front of Sasuke, a tail of red chakra behind him and he seemed more in control than normal. "Sasuke are you alright?" Naruto didn't turn to look, even as Haku landed beside him.

"You're very fast, Naruto-kun. " He panted slightly.

Orochimaru sneered. "The boy will want power. Power only I can give him, when that day comes...he will find me. I'll mold him into a shinobi of untold power."

Naruto scoffed. "Last I checked, Itachi is in a whole other league than you, he got strong in the village. So what's the incentive to come to you?"

"Cheeky little bastard aren't you?" I also invite you to come. I'm a ninjutsu expert, you have nearly limitless chakra. I could teach you to become a ninja of mass destruction." Orochimaru aimed his sword at Haku.

"You I don't need." The sword extended, faster than any normal shinobi would be able to react.

In a split second decision, Naruto pushed Haku out of the way. The sword pierced his chest and pushed him back towards Sasuke.

"Stupid boy, why did you do that? Kusangi here is very poisonous, there is no cure." Orochimaru tried to pull the sword away but Naruto grabbed the blade, his chakra cloak gaining a second tail.

"I don't know. There wasn't any time to think, I just moved... I just didn't want Haku to die..." Naruto began shaking as even more chakra began flowing wildly. He yanked the sword from Orochimaru's grasp and watched as it shrank to regular size. Then he stabbed the sword into the ground. "Sasuke, if I can have that sword."

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