Chapter 13

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"Weasley, if Potter glares at me one more time-"

"Do you want me to call Hermione?"

"I'd rather die."

"Then stop muttering complaints and look like you're happy to be sitting here."

On the other side of the hall, Hermione watched as Draco sat up straighter and flashed Ron thé most fake, and sarcastic, smile she'd ever seen on anyone's face. She smirked. Malfoy the Gryffindor, it was quite amusing to her. She glanced up at the teacher's table, and they were all looking quite confused, as they had been since the three walked in ten minutes ago. Theo and Ginny had come in about five minutes ago and had taken the two seats on either side of Hermione, and now watched amused, as Draco sat, slumped in his seat and not okay with the whole thing. Theo was almost laughing beside Hermione. "I have an idea, Nott. Why don't I change your tie red and then you can go sit there with Malfoy, hmm?"

"No thanks, Granger, I like being a Slytherin."

Hermione shrugged. "Alright. Be boring." She continued eating her food and was quite annoyed when the topic turned to Quidditch. "I escaped Ron and Harry always talking about Quidditch and now I'm sandwiched between two Quidditch-lovers? Just great."

She ignored the two talking over her head and ate her food while making funny faces at Draco across the hall, well, she ignored them until they both shouted her name. "Hermione Granger!"


She turned her head from side to side so she could give both a glare. "Granger, which Quidditch team are you going to support?"

Hermione raised her eyebrow and Ginny continued. "I mean, I'm on the Gryffindor team, and Nott and Malfoy are on the Slytherin team. So at the Gryffindor vs Slytherin matches, which team are you going to support?"

Hermione shook her head. "I wasn't even planning on going to any of them. I don't particularly like flying." At Theo's expression, she amended her sentence. "On a broom, Nott. I don't like flying on a broom, and I don't enjoy watching other people fly around on brooms."

Ginny tugged at Hermione's sleeve. "You have to support me! I'm your best friend."

Theo frowned at Ginny. "She can't support you. She has to support her boyfriend." Theo nodded his head towards the Gryffindor table and Ginny nodded. Hermione hit them both on the back of their heads. "Malfoy is not my boyfriend!"

"I can hear you from here, Granger!"

Those who didn't see Draco take a seat at the Gryffindor table now looked over in surprise. Hermione rolled her eyes while Theo grinned widely at her. "Denial is the first stage to acceptance!" he sang.

"No, it's not. Stop stealing my lines."

"Granger, you hurt my feelings!"

"I don't care, Malfoy!"

"You're twisting the knife, Granger!"

"I still don't care!"

"You've killed me!"

"Three cheers for Hermione!"

Hermione found Ron, who had yelled before Hermione replied, and grinned. He looked tired of Draco. She gave him a smile, which he returned with with what Hermione could only describe as an 'I'm going to kill you' look.

"Why is my brother glaring at you like that?"

"Because I made him babysit Malfoy."

"Right. And why is my ex-boyfriend glaring at you like that?"

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