Chapter 25

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They spent the rest of the day walking around in Diagon Alley, Teddy sometimes looking like Draco, sometimes like Hermione, and sometimes like both.

"I don't like Diagon Alley much," Draco commented.

"I know," Hermione agreed. "I'm more used to roaming around Hogsmeade."

"So why don't we go there? Hogsmeade has a Honeydukes."

"Alright. Let's go there then."

Draco took Ella's hand and apparated to Hogsmeade, and Hermione went with Teddy. "I'll bet you did most of your shopping here with either Nott or me."

"I probably did. Where to?"

Ella squeezed herself in between Hermione and Draco. "I wanna go to that clothing shop that had all the awesome clothes, even the pretty Muggle stuff."

Hermione glanced at Draco and shrugged. "I don't see why not. I need some summer clothes too."

The four of them went off and Hermione smiled at the sight of the shop and remembered the first time she shopped here. It was with Theo and she had a good argument over how expensive all the clothes were.

Hermione pulled Teddy's stroller out of her bag and muttered a charm, bringing it back to its original size before placing Teddy inside. "You're a heavy little monster, you know that?"

Ella ran to the Muggle clothing and proceeded to look for things in her size. Draco and Hermione walked around, finding themselves in the men's Muggle collection. "I like it when you dress like a Muggle," Hermione commented as she fingered a printed tee. Draco picked up one of them and looked at it before turning it to Hermione. "'Don't let the Muggles get you down'? Really?"

Hermione grinned. "I must say, that shade of blue suits you."

"Any shade of any colour suits me. I am perfection."

"Whatever you say, Ferret." She grinned when he threw the shirt over his arm and continued walking with her. "You need jeans to go with those tops."

"I have jeans."

"No, you don't. You have one pair, just one. Get a few others, it won't kill you." Draco shrugged and picked out a few in his size, showing them to Hermione before throwing them over his arm.

Then they moved on to the ladies' section, where Draco persuaded Hermione to get a few shorts and skinny jeans, in colours other than black, and a few heels. "I'll murder you if I fall in these."

"Honestly, Princess, your death threats don't scare me at all. It would be a pleasure to be killed by you."

"Shut up. Let's go find Ella before you decide to buy me ridiculous heels."

Draco grinned at her as they turned around and made their way over to the children's section, where they found Ella with many shorts, jeans, t-shirts, dresses and shoes. "Hi. I'm done."

Draco laughed and helped her carry her many things to the till. The guy looked absolutely bewildered at the amount of clothes dumped on the counter and had to double check the price before giving it to Draco, who paid it, making the guy's eyes bulged again. He was even more surprised when Hermione took them and stuffed it in her bag and the three walked out with a cheery wave.

"I think we gave the poor guy a heart attack, hey, Granger?"

Hermione grinned. "I think so too. Can we go to Honeydukes? I want candy."

Draco shrugged. "Alright. To Honeydukes then."

He took Ella's hand and walked next to Hermione, holding the door open for her. Draco picked up a basket at the door and walked behind Hermione. "Ooh, look! Bertie Bott's!"

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