Anniversary pt.2

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Riley was in her office doing some paper work looking at her phone once in a while to see if James would call her, which would probably not happen because what she did was unforgivable but she still had hope, even though it was similar to what happened a few years ago, she kissed him, he didn't like her, but to Riley's, her feelings were messed up.

Meanwhile Michelle was in Java junction heading down to get some juice, she enters and sees John.
"Hi John!" She says sitting next to him
"Oh hi! Michelle," he says turning his attention to his phone.

"So John I was wondering if you'd like to go see a movie today?" Michelle asks
"I'm so sorry Michelle, I can't go, I have to go now," John says standing up and leaving Java Junction.

James was walking through the park and he spots Michelle and starts to walk to her,
"Hi Michelle," he says taking a seat beside her,
"Hi James," she says, there was awkward silence between them.

"So I heard about you and Riley," Michelle says trying to get rid of the silence
"Uhm yeah," James says
"I'm really sorry," Michelle says
"It's okay," James says looking down
"It really broke my heart you know? Seeing the person you love just kiss someone else," James says
"You know," Michelle says getting attention from James,
"We should go a date together, I mean as friends just to clear our minds from, you know stress and drama," Michelle says,
"I think that's a good idea," James says.

Michelle and James are on their 'date' and are having a fun time because they can block all of the drama out. In the meanwhile Riley's family heads out to the same place that James and Michelle are having there 'date'.

Riley enters the restaurant and spots James and starts to smile maybe she can explain but then she sees Michelle and James and they starts to laugh, and she starts to be sad and mad, how could Michelle do that? Go on a date with James. As she thinks her day can't get worse they are put on the table behind them, coincidence right?

"So Michelle thoughts on John?" James asks,
"Well I started to like him I mean I don't know why he rejected me, I mean it's no where near what your going through but I really hoped he would say yes," Michelle says her smile starting to disappear
"How about you?" Michelle asks, James took a breathe in, (a/n; here comes the crappy and bad written part of the whole chapter)
"Do you ever get that feeling where your sad because the person you love, might not love you back? I wanted her to be happy, and if that's not with me that's fine because she was the only person I ever loved enough more than myself. Seeing her happy makes me happy, and that's what love is right? If she's with Alfie I'm fine with that," James says with tears threatening to fall out,
"But that just me, Let's put our emotions aside and have the fun," James says putting a fake smile on his face.

Riley was there listening to their conversation the whole time, the fact that he still loves her makes her happy, but at the same time he's starting to move on.

"Hey Riley you look a bit tired," Riley's mum had said noticing Riley's behaviour,
"It's fine mum the studios just hard and tiring to run," Riley had said
"Maybe I can come over some times and help you teach some classes?" Emily says
"Emily, with your broken foot I don't think you can do that, I don't want your foot to get even more worse than it already is," Riley says
"I won't be even dancing, okay maybe, but it's been over a year and I can dance now, and plus I have nothing better to do anyways," Emily says
"We can have some Sister bonding," Emily says
"Okay, okay," Riley says.

It was the next day and James was on his way to pick up Piper and give her dance bills and the money to regionals, he was hoping Riley wouldn't be in he office and would be able to ask someone else to give it to her.

Riley was in her office with the words James had said last night to Michelle 'she was the first person I loved enough more than I loved myself' the words 'loved' kept circling in her head, did he not love her anymore.

But Riley just shook her head letting all her thoughts out, there was a knock on the door,
"Miss Riley, B-Troupe rehearsals was 10 minutes ago," Camille, who was now in B troupe, says
"Oh yes I'll be right there," Riley says getting out of her chair and pushing it in and entering studio B.

"Miss Riley," Richelle says
"Oh Richelle how many times do I have to say, don't call me that," she says "anyways, what did you want?" She asks
"Well I was hoping if I could say behind and practice dancing, if it's okay, I mean I know our busy and I wouldn't want you stay behind and stu-," Richelle says but is interrupted by Riley,
"It's fine Richelle I'm here till 10 anyways," Riley says,
"Thanks Mi-Riley," Richelle says, yet there was another knock on the door and both heads were turned and there was James standing there with a envelope in his hand, it took him along time to decide if he should go or not.

"I should go," Richelle says trying to break the awkward silence since James had knocked on the door,
"Hi Riley," he says entering the room avoiding looking at her, afraid he was going to start to cry of all the hurt,
"Look James I'm really so-" Riley says
"I'm not here to see you," James says cutting her off not wanting to hear it, hearing those words come out of James mouth made Riley sad and emotional, did he not want her back,
"Here's Pipers money to go to regionals," he says putting it on the desk and starts to leave,
"Ja-," she starts but James is out of the office by then.

Richelle was practicing dancing in studio B when she hears voices,
"Yes, the plans all ready all we need is a few more days and he's all yours," α voice says that sounds like a mans voice, she takes a peek and sees Alfie on the phone with someone,
"Caitlyn, how many times do I have to explain?" Alfie says, who's Caitlyn? Richelle thinks to herself, and grabs her phone out and starts to record
"I break up James and Riley, persuade Riley to shut down the next step, and come back to the palace and be queen, and James is all yours," Alfie says, no, this can't be happening Alfie's nice! Richelle thinks, I need to tell Riley! (a/n; sorry for the bad story line)

"RI-ILEEY," Richelle puffs out after running into Riley's office
"Yes Richelle?" Riley says putting her head up after looking at some papers
"Riley are you okay?" Richelle asks, Riley's eyes were really read from crying,
"Yeah Richelle, now what did you need?" Riley asks sniffing
"You might not believe me but I heard Alfie talking to this girl named Caitlyn- I think- and he was talking about breaking you and James up," Richelle says
"Alfie? No it couldn't!" Riley says
"Richelle, I'm glad your trying to ge-," Riley says but gets cut off by Richelle (a/n; I make people cut off by other people too much)
"Before you say anything here," Richelle says showing her the recording,

"I break up James and Riley, persuade Riley to shut down the next step -which will make them forfeit regionals-, and come back to the palace and be queen, and James is all yours," Alfie says,
the recording stops (meaning it finished) and Riley gasps.

Riley arrives at James apartment, crossing her fingers he still lives there, or he's not at a gig.

Riley hesitates before knocking on his door, she hears some footsteps before she sees James there.

"Oh hi Riley," James says looking heart broken when he sees her,
"Whatever you need to say you can tell Alfie," James says starting to close the door but Riley stops him,
"Please James, this is really important," Riley says.

"Why are you here," he asks rudely
"James just listen," Riley says pulling out her phone and going to her mail where Richelle sent her the video.

After the video finishes James looks with no emotions,
"See James, please, I missed you," Riley's says
"You think I'm stupid?" James says
"You got Alfie to act so you can film it, wow," James says and starts to clap,
"So you can play with my emotions?" James says
"Riley please go," James says
"Jame-" Riley says but gets interrupted by James,
"No Riley, don't waste your time just leave please," James says.

I haven't published any of my stories so I decided to publish this one, there probably gonna be a part 3 in like a few weeks (months) but yeah here you go if you want a part 3 just comment below but yeah...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2016 ⏰

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