chapter 9

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After I took Beth home I went up to my room and dug out my razor.
I put five long cuts down my arm and watched the blood flow onto the floor. Relishing in the pain that they caused.
I could not take my father anymore. As soon as I got home he started to scream at me and hit me. I never knew what I did to earn the yelling.

He never told me what i had done to deserve him yelling at me, and he was always drunk. The pain helped me clear my head. For the forest time in months I could think with a clear head.

The next day I went swimming with my friends. Yeah I know not a really good idea when you had just cut the night before but I want gonna turn them down.
"Hey Onx? When did you get a tattoo down your back?" Hannah asked while splashing all of us.
"I've has it for a long time girl have you never noticed it?"
I had two wings tattooed down the langth of my back. They weren't angel wings though they were a mix between devil and bat wings (yes I know that most devils are portrayed with bat wings, but mine have the feathers and the shape of a bats wings)
"Oops I guess I don't pay that much attention."
"Yeah. I got some new ones too." I said showing her my hand.
I had a pentagram in the middle of my palm the NAZI symbol a swastika on the heel of my hand and a semi colon under my thumb. I had red and black lines on my calousiouses and up all my fingers and thumbs.
"Damn girl that is cool!" She said as she splashed me. I had an idea
"Hey Kat!" She turned around and I slashed her in the face. She ducked under the water damn that was a mistake. She pulled me under the water then let me go.
I'm never doing that again.

PICTURE of tattoo.on next page

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