Before The Birthday

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"Lucy" Ms.anderfilia calls."yes ma'am?" I scury over. I answer when she calls, I do what she says, I grant her every wish. "Go fech the news paper out front".
"Of course m'am", headed out I see 2 other children here at the foster, twins, dilyn and coner,. "Oh look brother, its the pip squeak," says dilyn leaning toward his brother. "Would you shut up its not funny any more " snaps coner and faces me.
'I'm glad to see that he's matured at least'
I open the front door "are you trying to escape again Ms.Elizabeth?" Mr.Junior sighs as he slams the door. "No sir I'm fetching the news paper for Anderfilia.".
"Are you sure, if you try anything again you'll be punished once more child"
"I assure you, I shan't try anything once mor sir" I sigh. "Alright then, you may proceed".
I run out side and open the noizy gate. "Cruddy gate, your the god damn reason I failed so many times *kicks the gate*" I grab the news paper and stair out at the children coming my way. "My goodness what a foul mouth Lucy." Smirks Henry, one of the rich bastards that roams this foster.
"Oh, if it isn't you, what do you want henry?" I Try to put on a kind act for the fool. "I've came here over and over and you still don't realize I come for you eliz"
"Oh please, stop toying, I'm not a fool, what have you really come here for" I snap.
"Oh fine, god your no fun, I've come for my father's money, Anderfilia owes him twice as much. And I do not have to explain this to such low life as your self, take me to Anderfilia"
"Find the way your self, since I'm such a low life" I smile and walk in as he comes behind me I slam the door and lock it.
~Tιмe Sĸιp~
"I refuse ma'am"
"How dare you refuse, they have adopted you, you have the honor of becoming the daughter of one of the richest family's yet! Ungreatful little-" "I suggest you not rough up their new daughter anderfilia" Mr.Junior cuts her off. "But this child-" "Is not a child anymore, she's much older and makes her own decisions" Says Mr.Junior
"Not yt, as long as your still under my roof you still belong to me! I make he decisions and you are going to be good little girl and respectfully accept the Damnien's offer to take you in!!!"
'I really don't care, I just don't want to be apart of a stupid rich family, especially not Henry's, but what does it matter, I'm still a child' "I accept Ms.anderfilia".
"Good girl, now pack your things they are coming in just 2 short hours"She gladly states. I head out the room and hear her say "finalt we get rid of that little nightmare of a child, thank goodness because I would have highered someone to take care of her for us, if you know what I mean" she laughs along mith Mr.Junior.
'I wouldn't have minded being felt with, they would have failed anyway'.
I head to my room, "Finally you'll be gone, now I won't have to look at your face every day " chuckles dilyn.
" oh shush loud mouth, *turns to me* so you'll be leaving us?" Smacks dilyn in the back of the head.
"Yes Coner I will, now I must pack."
"Wait um Lucy!" He yells.
I turn around "what is it?"
"I'll...I'm going to miss you Lucy"
"Why would you? You'll get over it, anyway I have to pack, see ya" I keep walking.
"Oooo *sucks teeth* that was cold" Laughs dilyn.
I pack the little I have and await out front. "Finally I'm leaving this hell whole" I sigh
"But your walking right into another" Says Henry from behind me. "Fu- ugh. You scared me idiot"
"That was my intention, so my family had decided to take you in? They could have done much better, and..why you?" He study's me. "Don't ask me, I'm just fulfilling Anderfilias orders.I never wanted to go anyway, espacialy not if you were there, you scum" I say not even looking at him, for he doesn't even deserve to be looked at when spoke to.
"Oh? Well then, this should be fun love."
"Don't call me that scum bag", but he just laughed. Witch iretated the life out of me. But finally our ride came, and of course it had to be one of the most expensive carriages in all of england. My "parents," didn't even bother showing up, they sent a Butler to pick us up. "Mother and father send servants to do their bidding, you won't see much of them." Henry says staring out of the window. "Why did his attitude change suddenly, he doesn't sound like he hates me, he sounds sympathetic. And honest yet sad. Oh shush eliz your imagining things, its henry for gods sake.'
After a long ride passing town we arrived in at a huge dark mansion. The color of Black, dark red, and brownish stood out tremendously. "Think it looks creepy now? Wait till you get inside "
"Stop trying to scare me henry its not ganna work" I said. But, it was.

•Henryѕ Pov•
Me and Lucy, also known as Eliz have known each other since we were very small, when my father took me to collect money from foster cares, we went to Anderfilia one day when I was little but my father got a call and told anderfilia to watch me mean while he delt with ergent business stuff, that night Lucy arrived, no one knew, how, or who had brought her but she just appeared. Anderfilia took her in, she didn't want to be responsible for leaving a child out in the rain to die. She took Eliz in even tho she didn't want to.
Me and Lucy got along as children, but then we grew apart as time passed, but now that my parents too her in, I suppose ( I hate to admit it ) I'm glad they did. Now I won't be alone, and I'll get the chance to reclaim my friendship with Eliz. Even tho I act like a douche bag, I'm just playing with her. But what can I expect. She never had a strong sense of humor to begin with.

•Lυcy'ѕ Pov•
We got out of the car and the butler put his hand out for me. "I can get down my self" I said coldly. I got down and looked around.
So this is the place I'm supposed to call home. "Not that bad I suppose, looks... Interesting." I sigh. "Interesting indeed, Eliz. Hey, while the butler brings your things in, wanna tour? " he smiles.
'What game is he playing? But, I kinda like it better this way, why not try to get along?'
"Yea, why not" I smile ( a little -.- )
"Alrighty then, let's go Eliz" he took my hand and we ran inside. "Just like old times" he mumbles. "What was that ?"
"Nothing, look" he says pointing at the door. "Its huge, and..well designed" I look up.
"Yea. And Eliz?"
"Welcome home😊"

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