Chapter 7-Forgiveness

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Chapter 7 is up, finally. Nothing much to say except read The Black Hole by my BFF AngieL01 . That might give her some incentive to update! Enjoy :-)

Bailey's perspective

Having 'gone to bed' and totally not just experimented all night, I felt really tired, but nevertheless got into the shower, washed, blindly groping for soap, shampoo and various other creams and gels, for lack of my -sadly- non waterproof headset. I then proceeded to pack my bright blue school bag, having dressed in the clothes I'd meticulously ironed and set off to school, not seeing Dad because of his work. You may wonder why I was going to school after yesterday's ordeal? Well, I hadn't finished my work, and it was high time for a certain someone to experience me getting my own back on them.

As I strolled to school down the main road, I allowed myself an uncharacteristic smile before realising I'd left at normal time so was sure to encounter my assailant as such and mentally developed the plan I'd started to hatch last night, in order to incriminate Daniel, at least in our peers' opinions.

I looked around the schoolyards, front and back for Nathan as I needed something said. I was fortunate enough to see none of the likes who frequently attempted to pummel me which was good. I made a mental note to use the back entrance more often. At last I found him strumming sadly on his acoustic guitar in the abandoned music room, where we would usually spend our lunches if I wasn't being assaulted or hadn't managed to drag him to the library.

"I love you too. We can build on us after today... But first there's something I need to do, a plan to put in motion," I used my 'mental display', as Dad called it, to see the time, "still 20 minutes left before school starts. Good. That gives me time to do this."

I, very forwardly and unusually, gripped Nathan by the hand tightly, smirking rather devilishly, and pulled my, well I'm not really sure what he is-boyfriend? hopefully - anyway we stumbled into a small clump of trees, stumbling due to a lack of strength on my behalf; I gripped his other hand with my free one, leant forward and raised up, kissing him. It was only on the cheek, 2 seconds or so,  but my God was it good. Something so small to others was something massive to me and extremely outgoing for me and amazingly worth it for me. Nathan must've thought so too, his startled expression melting into ecstasy, lasting a split second before he smirked,  retaining his chilled expression usually painted on his face. Or at least when I waa with him.

Neither of us said I thing. I slowly dropped my heels to the floor, re-opening the five-or-so inch gap we shared, we both smiled in our own ways (me beaming, and him with his little corners-of-the-mouth-turned-up look)an expression suiting him so magnificently thanks to his twinkly eyes. I grab his arm, hugging it and whilst walking away, let my hands trail down it, ending by clasping his long fingers, tanned like the rest of him. I drag him out into the playground with my eyes never actually making any proper contact. My hand dropped fully when I spotted my victim leaning against a building with a bottle full of what I knew for a fact to be vodka as oppose to water. I walked over, breathing deeply, though not too loudly. I was being strong and brave but that didn't mean I had begun to like attention.

I reached Daniel and the sprinkling of cronies surrounding him, "Oh, little Faggy-Face and the only person in school psycho enough to actually like him... Talk about a child only their mother could love," this didn't get me; though I could tell he'd thought that low blow over and he knew full well that Mama was dead, I'd long ago become desensitised to jibes as old and re-used as this one. His cronies still snickered at the look of real-enough hurt I'd plastered onto my face to please them and make it seem as though I wasn't prepared to do what I was about to.

"That's what I came to talk to you about, actually. My lifestyle, as you call it, It's you. It always has been. I know you hate me, and this is unexpected, but I love you Daniel," saying the words physically repulsed me, but this all part of my plan so I tried to look sweetly vulnerable. You see, I needed this douche-canoe to make a scene; that way, I could make use of my headset. The two seconds of disgust from Daniel were quickly replaced by his standard expression: mocking amusement. He began to swagger away, his improperly trousered herd of cattle tottering along in pursuit.

"Come on crew, let's go tell the whole year of this exciting development in the plot of Queerdom," the entailing laughter wasn't amused yet forced, like those in a humour me or die situation. I turned to Nathan, whose hand I had re-gripped and who looked about ready to cry. My acting's pretty good.

"OMG, I'm so sorry about that but when we fixed my headset we discovered this manipulation thingabobby and you'll see in like 2 secs because I'm gonna use it on Twatty McTwatface, just follow and it's necessary to hold my hand or be in contact with me, which is actually a benefit in this situation. I'm sorry about all this but just, come on!"

I dragged him over to the benches which Daniel had now climbed onto. The only thing about this situation which actually surprised me about this situation that there were no teachers about. I'd hoped that they'd notice so Dan, as his friends called him, would get in trouble before his father stopped it; but, knowing my luck it was Tuesday, meaning everybody was in briefing until lessons began in 20 minutes. Still no matter; as he began to speak,

[I've got some news for you all,]

I pressed record for the memory function, starting to type along as he spoke,

[That little fag-face, that one there,]

pointing at me, which was a new function we -Dad and I- discovered, adjusting the text as you recorded, that was. Another one of these handy functions was that there was a 'broadcast multiple people' option.

[Well new information has come to light. He's told me that he likes me, with his little queer feelings]

Dad'd discovered how he'd done what he had by looking into the viewing box again. He'd called up his work and left soon after but not before tinkering a bit with the extra space, adding new settings and attempting to explain but resulting in a vomit of scientific terms.

[I've got some news for you all, that little cutie-face, that one there; Well new information has come to light. He's told me that he likes me, giving me an excellent opportunity to express my feelings publicly, cheers Bailsy-Bear, thanks for everything. So everyone, I'm giving you a gift of knowledge, I'm gay. I'm in love with Joseph, and have been since we met. Feel free to hit me and what-have-you but not him, no longer, I use my last ounce of power. I can be all your personal punching bags. Let's break my body but not his body, or heart eh? Hopefully we'll be dead when the day ends, by our means or his ones. Let's start off his process of love and LGBTQ rights.]

Self-ashamed shock painted Daniel's face while Nathan and I smirked, us breaking the bond so I could clench my stomach, doubling over laughing. But all that jazz ended when the crowd slowly, one-by-one then as a whole, closed in on the three of us.

The only thing to say is that I'm so sorry it's been ages since I updated, it's just time is never available and I'm not exactly in the best of mental places. I update this, then 34 Years, then Life's mental in a cycle BTW, don't know if I've mentioned that. See you soon. Enjoy life beautiful readers!

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