2/18/16 pt. 1

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Seokmin groaned loudly as a soft pair of lips attached itself to his neck, biting and sucking the skin there fiercely. The younger boy clenched Jisoo's shirt tightly, letting out small gasps and jumbled words as Jisoo continued to attack his neck.

"J-Jisoo, shit, our friends are coming over soon, we can't, fuck, we c-can't do this!" Seokmin panted out, distracted by the calloused hands that were wandering all over his body. Jisoo pouted and pulled away.

"You really wanna stop just because of our friends? I can lock my door to make sure that no one comes in. Besides, I think you still want to continue," Jisoo whispered into Seokmin's ear, one hand roaming up and down Seokmin's thigh while the other hand gripped Seokmin's waist.

Seokmin hips stuttered, and he unconsciously bucked them against Jisoo's, making the older boy smirk. Jisoo took the top of Seokmin's ear between his teeth and sucked on it lightly. Seokmin let out a wanton moan as he arched his back, his cheeks flushed with need.

"M-maybe we can stay for a little bit longer," Seokmin conceded, pulling Jisoo's head down and connecting their lips. Jisoo grinned against Seokmin.

"When is everyone coming over again?" Jisoo murmured when the two broke apart for air.

"At around 6:30," Seokmin responded before their lips met once again.

Jisoo checked the time on the clock and noticed that they only had 10 minutes until the others came over. He contemplated not telling Seokmin so that he could enjoy this moment a little longer, but he knew that Seokmin would be embarrassed and upset if Jisoo didn't tell him. Besides, it was his boyfriend's birthday. Jisoo couldn't hog him for the entire day.

"Really? You may want to take care of your problem then," Jisoo replied with a smirk, squeezing Seokmin's hip harshly, causing Seokmin's breath to hitch.

Seokmin gave Jisoo a confused look after hearing the older boy's words, so Jisoo glanced at the front of Seokmin's jeans. Seokmin's eyes widened in embarrassed realization as he noticed what Jisoo was looking at. He quickly got off of Jisoo's lap and ran to Jisoo's bathroom, locking the door behind him.

Jisoo chuckled as he heard the younger boy exclaim, "Fuck!" from behind the door, and he left his room to give his boyfriend some privacy. He took a deep breath to calm himself and adjusted his own pants before going down the stairs.

A/N: so first things first, I have some important news about updates in the summer. I'm still going to try to update weekly, but I can't guarantee it, so don't be surprised if my updates are inconsistent. I'm actually going to be really busy this summer. I'm taking Chemistry and Geometry/Algebra online, and I already have a LOT summer work for AP World History which I'll be taking during the school year(rip me). and obviously, I'm going to get summer work for Lit. hopefully there won't be any for AP Bio, but I have a strong feeling that there will be.

in addition to that, I'll be at my aunt and uncle's place in Oregon, so I'll be hanging out with their kids(my cousins) a lot bc surprisingly enough I am capable of human feelings such as love(ö shocker). nah, but I'm going to be trying to hang out with them a lot, and I'll be doing all my work at my aunt's hospital(I can't stay alone in their house for safety reasons).

I also have to practice piano there a lot too. if I finish all my work for the day and still have time left over, then I'll probably be able to write chapters(hopefully good, lengthy ones). also, I'll probably be sleeping in another room, well at least I hope I will be, so if I am, I don't mind staying up late to write the next updates.

but even after I go back home from Oregon, I'm going to be busy. when I fly back into Atlanta with my aunt, uncle, and their kids, my parents are going to be redoing their wedding vows(bc my mom thought it'd be cute for their 25th wedding anniversary(I think it's the 25th anniversary anyway)), so that's gonna be hectic.

actually, I think I'm supposed to be working on multiple things for the ceremony right now lmao(speeches and some other things that my mom wants me to collaborate w her friends on and shit). so yeah, I'm gonna be really busy, hell I'm kinda busy now, but I'm still gonna try and get updates out on time for you during the next few months.

okay, that's the most important part of this AN, so if you have a class to pay attention to or something, you can stop reading this for now and you can take notes instead or some shit, idk man, does anyone pay full attention in all of their classes? idk.

linked song is "Wave" by R3hab, Amber, and Luna obviously. bc Lunber. also bc it's a beautiful song too ofc. and bc I love Amber and Luna a whole lot. also, sorry this chapter was kinda short. I still had a lil bit of writer's block and tbh I just wanted to write a make out scene between them.

anyways, for future reference(because yes, a baseball game is going to come eventually, and I'm sure I'm going T have a lot of fun writing it), Seokmin is going to be the third baseman/cleanup batter of his team(remind you of anyone? hint hint: six letter name, starts with a T, ends with an A, rhymes with "Hajima") and Jin-ki is gonna be the pitcher probably nicenicenice Captain Jin-ki wow he's so perfect and hot I love

well, sorry this chapter was so shitty it honestly made me cringe lmao but anyways do you think I should eventually do smut for this story??? *sweats nervously* pls tell. also, for the next chapter, I think I won't include how the svt boys celebrated Hansol and Seokmin's bday sorry.

however, I think I'm definitely going to include a "Jisoo Meets the Family" thing though! probably Seokmin's family is going out for dinner and they take Jisoo along and maybe I'll have Seokmin's sisters embarrass him a lot idk. and his mom can be super overprotective ooo yes. and I think that the chapter after that will be some jealous Jisoo after Seokmin's game(I'm planning on having his match right after his birthday). what do you think?

anyways, ily all, and I hope you have a wonderful/great/fantastic day!!! hope you enjoyed this!!! <3 also woah, this Author's Note was like 700 words...that's longer than the actual chapter...whoops ily!!!

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