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"Hey, where are you guys?" Seokmin asked Jisoo over the phone, sliding past groups of people. "I just got here."

"We're watching the live music near the ticket booth. We got your wristband, by the way. Do you see us?" Jisoo replied, his voice muffled by the loud sound of drums and trumpets.

"Oh! I see you guys now! Hey!" Seokmin said loudly, waving at his friends. Seungcheol, the only one to notice him, waved back. He nudged the other two, who then also waved at Seokmin and beckoned him over.

Seungcheol, Jeonghan, Seokmin, and Jisoo were at the amusement park on a double date. Jeonghan had suggested the idea a few days ago after school, and Seungcheol and Seokmin had immediately been on board. Jisoo took a bit of persuading, but he too eventually agreed. Seokmin had been looking forward to it all week.

"Hey," Seokmin said as he reached them, staring at Jisoo with a lovesick smile. "Wow, you look amazing!"

"We're here too!" Jeonghan huffed, elbowing Seokmin harshly in the side.

"You look nice too, Seokmin," Jisoo responded, the corners of his mouth turned upwards in an amused grin. He handed Seokmin a wristband.

"Shall we go?" Seungcheol asked, and the others nodded.

"Woah, look at that ride! I wanna go on that one!" Jeonghan exclaimed

He pointed at a ride that had kids screaming as the machine twirled high up in the air and moved from side to side. It was called "The Screamer." What an entirely cheesy yet fitting name. Seokmin paled. He did not want to go on that one.

"I'm down. Seokmin, are you okay with it?" Jisoo asked, squeezing his hand comfortingly. Seokmin opened his mouth to respond, but he was cut off.

"Why doesn't anyone care what my opinion is?" Seungcheol complained. Jisoo rolled his eyes.

"Dude, c'mon. We all know that you'd just completely chicken out. That is, unless Jeonghan would force you to go," Jisoo told him. Seungcheol glared at him.

"I'm afraid of heights, okay?" Seungcheol defended. "I wouldn't say no to everything. Besides, acrophobia is a perfectly rational fear. I'm not chickening out."

"Whatever, you wimp. I'll protect you," Jeonghan teased. Jisoo sighed.

"Okay, but Seokmin, are you okay with it?" Jisoo repeated.

"Huh? Of course! What, do you think I'm scared? I'm not scared of anything!" Seokmin lied. Jisoo frowned.

"Are you sure?" Jisoo checked, and Seokmin nodded.

"If you say so," Jisoo sighed.

The four of them walked towards the line, Jeonghan jumping excitedly all the way. Eventually, they were at the front of the line, and it was almost their turn to ride. Jisoo wrapped an arm around Seokmin's waist and brought him closer.

"You know, you don't have to do this," Jisoo murmured into Seokmin's ear. "I know you don't do well with heights. And you get motion sick really easily too. We can stay down here if you'd like. I can tell Jeonghan that I'm too scared, so we'll be sitting out."

Jisoo gave Seokmin a concerned look, and Seokmin smiled. Jisoo was such a good boyfriend. Seokmin really didn't deserve him. Seokmin watched the ride swing back and forth, some kids screaming and others laughing. He wanted to try it. He grabbed Jisoo's hand and squeezed it reassuringly, laying his head on Jisoo's shoulder.

"I think I want to try it," Seokmin stated. Jisoo nodded.

"I'll be there with you, okay? If you get scared, just hold my hand or something," Jisoo muttered, and Seokmin grinned at him.

"Look at you, being all romantic," Seokmin joked, causing Jisoo to glare at him.

"Guys, come on, it's our turn," Jeonghan interrupted. He and Seungcheol were already inside. The other two followed them, taking off their shoes near the exit and sitting down next to them.

After a few minutes, the rest of the seats had been filled, so the ride was going to start soon. Seokmin squirmed uncomfortably in his seat, wishing that the safety bars would come down already so that they could just start and get it over with.

"You okay?" Jisoo whispered, and Seokmin nodded.

"Alright, guys, the bars are going to come down now, okay? First they'll come down halfway, then they'll come down the rest of the way," the amusement park worker told them. "Ready? Okay. This is halfway."

The safety bars came down halfway, and Seokmin almost jumped in surprise. That was startling. He looked over at Jisoo, who was still looking at him in concern. Seokmin smiled at Jisoo again. He raised his hand and gave Jisoo the okay symbol. There was nothing to worry about. Jisoo was here with him.

"Okay, guys, now they'll be coming the rest of the way," the amusement park worker notified them. Suddenly, the safety bars came down, trapping Seokmin's body so that he couldn't wiggle his way around a lot.

"God, that landed right on my balls!"

A/N: ahahah fun story so i forgot to write this the night before so i had to write it this morning but i also had to try to entertain my cousins kinda and i had to shower and get ready and shit so oops sorry it sucks and is kinda hastily strung together and whatnot I'll prob go back and edit this entire story one day bc it sucks.

linked song is "break" by three days grace bc if there's anyone i love more than adtr and f(x), it's gotta be them (post-adam and pre-adam).

oh yeah and the last line of this story, yeah i heard some kid say that when i went on a ride like that w my cousins at the amusement park the weekend before the last one. i started grinning omg rip. anyways sorry this sucked as always!!! ily guys!!! have an amazing day!!!

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