Chapter 15

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The amount of energy coming off of Frost and Flame was incredible. Together, they glowed like stars in the night. Fireshard took a step back. "So this is the power of Hailfire's latest god and goddess...I have to admit, I am quite envious of your power!" He exclaimed. Flame grimaced. "Stop with your foolish act. The both of us know that even with this power, you're a formidable match for us. So stop playing around. Otherwise, I won't show any mercy." He threatened. Fireshard laughed. "I thought you were going to be merciless anyway! Oh no, I'm so scared!" He sarcastically cowered. "Y'know, you two should be the scared ones. If I manage to kill you, you're not coming back. Never to see your friends again. Flame, you have a wife, right? And a daughter? Hmm...I bet your wife is real cute." Fireshard said in a creepy and unnerving voice. "Damn right she is! And I'm not willing to let myself die if it means not ever seeing her again! Frost, I'm getting real impatient. Let's kick his ass already!" Flame yelled, putting his fist in the air. Frost smiled. "Hell yeah! Things are starting to get heated!" She shouted. No pun intended... Fireshard got into a stance, sword in hand, prepared for Frost and Flame to charge at him at full force. Frostshard...You have such lovely children. It's a real shame they aren't our children. You had to set you heart on that scum, Flamestorm. Welp...It's too late now. This is it. The battle that seals my fate. Flame came charging first, straight forward. He was quick on his feet, his fiery hair blowing in the wind. When he got into range, he swung his sword at Fireshard, aiming for his right shoulder. Fireshard quickly dodged, only to be slammed into a tree behind him. What the hell? Frost had her foot on his chest. "Didn't see that coming, did ya?" She said with amusement. Fireshard growled. He grabbed her foot, and with all his strength, threw her in the air. She landed with a thud on the hot ground a few yards away from Flame. "Are you alright, sis?!" Flame called over his shoulder. Frost winced as she sat up, holding her arm. "Y-Yeah...It's just a scratch." She reassured him. Blood was dripping from a tear in her navy blue dress. Fireshard was now walking towards the two of them. "Is that the best you've got?" He mocked. Flame grasped the handle of his sword and ran towards him. He swung, and his sword collided with Fireshard's, sending flurries of orange sparks through the air. Flame drew back, and jumped out of the way to avoid Fireshard's next attack. "Flame! Let me try something!" Frost yelled as she ran towards him. Flame nodded and jumped out of his sister's way. Frost came running at full speed, sword held out in front of her body, pointing straight forward. Fireshard smirked. He saw right through her simple plan. She was going to bolt towards him, and expect him to just sit there and take it. Didn't your parents teach you any better? But before he could even react, Frost leaped right over his head, landing right behind him. A strange blue aura was emitting from her hands and sword. She slammed the back of her sword into him, causing him to collapse and fall to the ground. "W-What in the name of God was that?! I c-can't feel my legs!" He yelled. Frost smirked. "I call it a stun attack. I froze your nerves from the waist down using my ice magic. And no, before you say it, not like Elsa. Heh, unlike you, the cold never bothered me anyway." She said jokingly. Flame walked over. "Nice job, Frost!" He said, giving her a high five.Frost laughed. "Thanks Flame." She said happily. "You think this is over? This is far from over, pal!" Fireshard yelled. He immediately grabbed his sword from the ash covered ground and jabbed up, towards Frost, cutting right into her stomach...

Frost fell to the ground, onto her back. Red blood was spilling from her wound. "F-Flame...H-Help me!" She gasped as the pain sunk in. Flame watched in pure horror. With Flame distracted and Frost unable to act, Fireshard stood up and began to walk away, into the trees. He chuckled to himself, certain that he had been victorious. "Flame?" Frost called out weakly. Flame didn't respond. He was watching the trees. Anger had sent his heart racing in a frantic fury. His fiery eyes were smoldering with rage. He dropped his sword onto the ground. That damn coward...That damn traitor! Flame gritted his teeth. "NOBODY HURTS MY SISTER!" Flame shouted. He ran into the trees, his pace not faltering one bit, even when he became aware of the cliff that was gradually coming into his range of vision. He also saw Fireshard sitting there, looking around in desperation. He had trapped himself on the cliff's edge with no where to run but forward. But he wasn't stupid enough to run towards Flame. Not when Flame was in his god form, his rage burning brighter than the lava pools below the cliff. Flame picked up his speed when he saw Fireshard. You hurt my sister...Now I'm going to make you suffer. Fireshard dug his feet into the soil underneath him, bracing himself for Flame's oncoming attack. Don't let him intimidate you. Face him head on. Otherwise there's no way you can defeat him. Flame dove towards Fireshard, mouth wide open in a battle cry. Fireshard caught Flame, but he was too heavy for him to hold up. He stumbled and fell, along with Flame, dangerously close to the edge of the cliff. Fireshard went over, and he struck out his arm to catch the ledge. Pebbles plummeted to the molten lava below as he caught the ledge. Flame pushed himself up off the ground and he saw Fireshard's hand. With the eerie glow of the lava om his face, you could visibly see his lips curl into a devious smile. "How pathetic! Here you are, literally clinging on for your life. What shall I do? Should I pull you up and show you mercy and kindness? Or should I kick you off and make you pay for the pain you've put my family through for years? You know me well, Fireshard. And I believe heavily in getting my revenge. No matter the consequences." Flame said. He put his right foot on Fireshard's hand. "I guess this is goodbye. I hope you burn in Hell for what you've done." He said before stomping down hard on Fireshard's hand. Fireshard winced at the sound of his knuckles cracking. He could hardly hold on any longer. Finally, after another pain-filled moment, his tolerance gave out and he let go of the ledge. But in the same instant, an opportunity opened up to him. Flame was right there, leg right by the edge of the cliff. If I could just grab his pant leg....Maybe... He struck out his arm at the last second, aiming for Flame's leg. He latched onto his pant leg, dragging Flame off the cliff with him. Flame was frozen with shock as the two plummeted towards the lava below them. This is it. I'm dying here. I'll never get to see my friends again...My family. Damn you Fireshard! You malicious bastard

Frost was crawling towards the cliff where she had seen her brother run off to. The second that cliff edge came into view, she saw Flame get snatched off the edge, and pulled down to the lave pools of the volcano. Adrenaline surged through her body. She didn't care how much pain she was in. She got onto her feet and, clenching her wound, sprinted towards the cliff as fast as she possibly could. Think, Frost, think! How could you save him now? There's no way you can just make the lava disappear. Wait...That's it! "There is a way to make it disappear! Ice is frozen water, and water mixed with lava gives you a form of stone!" She exclaimed. When she reached the cliff, she looked down to see Flame and Fireshard's location. They had nearly reached the bottom. Frost took a deep breath. She had to focus all of her energy just below the two of them in order to save them. As much as she hated to admit it, she'd feel guilty if she just let Fireshard die this way. It's Flame's duty to end Fireshard's wrath now. This is the least I can do to help. She closed her eyes, focusing every little bit of her energy. A thick sheet of ice appeared just above the lava. It quickly melted, and the water fell onto the lava. It created a decent-sized rock formation on the surface of the molten lava, and merely seconds later, Flame and Fireshard landed on it. Flame winced as he went to stand up. Damn it...I think I dislocated something. But wait, what created this random rock platform? Frost quickly answered his thoughts. "Flame! Watch out!" She warned him. Flame turned around just in time to see Fireshard's sword being swung at his face. Flame ducked back, just barely dodging the sword's fiery blade. He bit his lip as he stared at Fireshard. This was his fate, his destiny...To end this once and for all. "For my sister! For my wife and daughter! For all of Hailfire! I will defeat you!"Flame yelled, loud enough for Frost to her over the crackle of fire and the hissing of the lava. Flame charged towards Fireshard, head on, and punched him right between his eyes. He kicked his sword out of his hands and into the lava. "This ends now, Fireshard." He said in an intimidating tone. It was now a hand-to-hand combat. Flame swung his fist at Fireshard, and vice versa, both in hopes that they would land a powerful hit that would knock the other person into the boiling hot lava. Flame was quickly growing impatient because of this. I still have one trick up my sleeve...But it might also get me killed. Should I use it? Just then, Fireshard tackled Flame to the ground, pinning him down. He had both hands wrapped around Flame's neck. "You thought you could still win, didn't you? You thought wrong, Flamey boy!" Fireshard cackled. Flame was certain now that he had no other choice. He knew there was a good chance he would die. But he didn't care anymore. He rolled himself off of the platform and into the lava, alongside Fireshard, into the fiery depths below...

I apologize for the repetition in this Chapter! Like the use of the words lava and cliff a lot...But anyway, I hope you're all excited for the next Chapter! It's the final battle, the fight that seals everyone's fates! 

*reads over Chapter*Gosh, the name Fireshard appears, like, a million times. D:

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