chapter 13

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The warlock then waited, rather both patiently and more impatiently as he waited for the sayien to arrive.

"You rang?" a voice came behind him.

Drell spun on his heels to see Goku himself. "Took you long enough."

"Sorry, but you kind of caught me at a bad time." Goku yawned.

"My own apologies." Drell replied.

"So, what can I do for you?" Goku asked the warlock.

"Atticus needs help with control while he's landing." Drell said.

"Landing?" Goku asked.

"I'll show you what I mean." Drell said before showing him the hole in the rock wall Atticus left from his 'land'.

Goku took a look. "Oh, I see..."

"Yup..." Drell replied, reminiscent of Big Macintosh from Sweet Apple Acres. "He's gonna need all the help he can get."

"Looks like I might need to stay here for possibly a bit or longer." Goku said.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to pull you away like that, but you're the first one who came to mind for this assignment." Drell replied casually.

"It's okay, besides, I've kind of missed Atticus." Goku smiled.

"I think he's missed you too," Drell smiled back. "It's lights out at camp anyway and I need to take care of a certain Woodsman while I'm here."

"Well, right now, we should get some sleep." Goku said.

"Just what I was thinking..." Drell nodded.

"Um, where are you sleeping?" Goku asked him.

Drell led the other man over to where he was sleeping for the past couple of nights now.

"Nice place." Goku said.

"Thanks, I made what I could do." Drell smiled.

"Great." Goku smiled.

Drell smiled back. "Make yourself at home."

"You can count on that." Goku said.

Drell sat on his bed and handed an extra pillow and blanket to Goku.

"Thanks." Goku accepted the blanket and pillow.

"No problem..." Drell yawned as he started to lie down.

Goku lied down on the floor with his pillow and blanket, ready to sleep until tomorrow morning. Drell yawned and mumbled out a good night to him. Goku nodded to him and fell asleep as well. The next day would be the start of solving the mystery.

After waking up and breakfast, Jessica invited the others to come visit and explore Camp Big Moose. And where they accepted the invitation, including Goku.

"Did you sleep okay, honey?" Mo asked Darla.

"I slept fine until you guys made that noise last night." Darla replied.

"How is it that you didn't hear the Woodsman attacking last night?" Patch asked.

"Beats me..." Darla honestly shrugged. "I'm just glad he's gone."

"Same here." Colette said.

"Let's just hope this isn't pointless." Trudy said.

"Trust me, I don't think it will." Darla said.

"I sure hope it isn't." Trudy said.

"I'd hate to waste my summer here away from my best friend..." Darla sighed. "I really miss her, I wonder if she misses me."

"What's your friend's name?" Jessica asked.

"Amber Smith." Darla replied.

"She's one of the campers here at Big Moose." Jessica smiled.

"She is?!" Darla asked, very eager and excited.

"Yeah." Jessica nodded.

"Oh, let's go then!" Darla urged.

Jessica laughed. "Come along then."

Darla was more awake now as they were on their way to Camp Big Moose to check out the campground.

There were campers who were water skiing, texting on their cell phones, working on their laptops, and horseback riding. It looked way more fun here than it did at Camp Little Moose and there were even more campers.

"Like, this place has everything." Shaggy commented.

"Yeah, their money budgets must be big." Mo said.

"It doesn't have everything," Fred spoke up. "

Suddenly, a trio of campers rode by on segeways.

"Personal transporters," Trudy looked around as she started to actually smile. "Computer lab... Cute boys..." she then narrowed her eyes sourly. "We don't have cute boys at Little Moose."

"Uh, hello?" Luke came to her side with a boastful smile.

"They even have a gymnasium?" Patch smiled, seeing a gymnasium there.

Darla smiled back to Patch and they raced off into it. Atticus normally would've stopped them, but since Amber liked gymnastics and she was Darla's best friend, he allowed them to go as he went off with the others.

Darla and Patch came into the gym as there was a familiar strawberry blonde-haired girl in a leotard who was on a balance beam, walking steadily and carefully, then got onto her hands as she put her legs in the air and kept going forward, then did a perfect jump with a twirl and landed on the mat with a split with a smile to the others once she finished her performance.

"Atticus, you gotta see this!" Patch smiled, looking for his owner.

The girl stood up and wiped her forehead with her towel.

"Amber!" Darla called.

The girl looked in surprise, then smiled even bigger as she held out her arms. "Darla!"

The two little girls then collided with each other and hugged really tightly.

Atticus, being the owner he is, came right over to his pet as soon as Patch called out to him. "What's up, Patch?" he asked his puppy with a smile.

"Take a look inside." Patch smiled, pointing to the inside of the gymnasium.

Atticus then came inside the gymnasium. And where it looked like they had everything that anybody with human strength or strongman strength would need. "Wow..." he whispered in excitement. "We should've gone to this camp..."

"Yes, yes, we should have." Patch smiled.

Darla and Amber walked over to the boy and puppy together.

"So, what brings you guys to Camp Big Moose?" Amber asked.

Darla began to tell Amber why she and the others were there. Amber listened to her very closely, feeling very happy to see her as they would originally not have seen each other until the last couple of weeks of August.

"And so then, Jessica invited us to come here." Darla said.

"Oh, Jessica's so cool," Amber smiled. "She's like a big sister to everybody."

"Cool." Darla smiled.

Atticus and Patch both decided to catch up with the others while the girls spent some time together.

"There you guys are." Velma said.

"Sorry, just got a little distracted by the gymnasium they have here." Atticus said.

"Come on, I'll show you guys around and tell you about the missing camping equipment." Jessica said.

"Sounds perfect." Patch smiled.

With that, the others went off.

"Now then, let's catch up." Amber said to Darla.

Darla smiled as they went off together.

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