Chapter Three

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Olivias POV { Eevee }

I sigh as I wait at the kitchen table, head in my hand as I tap my pencil against it, impatiently. The morning light shines against everything in the kitchen. I should be at school right now but I'm not. I mean I am technically but not at school with other kids. With other strangers. I'm homeschooled by my mum. She teaches one subject per day which I'm grateful for. I used to go to regular school three years ago but my personality got the best of me. Fight or flight was the descion and I chose fight. Not a surprise to those close to me but others, it was like they saw a diffirent person. It was a fight against another girl. One of those who get into trouble all the time and don't give a shit. She and I used to know each other but not in a good way. I was walking down the hall when I passed her and I heard her say "How many little babies do they allow in this school?". I could tell she had meant it for me so I whipped around quickly, dropped my stuff and pinned her against the wall and beat the world out of her. I know it's not lady-like but sometimes you just have to follow instinct and I did. When the adminstration pulled me away, I spat at her "They allow one baby in this school: You!". They had pulled me to the office and called my mum. Of course she was pissed off and shocked but part of me told me that she was doing it to convince the adminstration. When she took me home I could see bits of amusement and pride in them. That's rare to see now and days. She gave me a lecture but a week later she began to homeschool me. Sure I was sad to leave my friends. But as in friends you mean people who laugh with you until you end up in deep shit then they slowly edge away. Yeah, 'friend'. During those days I was at school everyone stared at me and avoided me as if I was poisonus. If I was, everyone I hate would be dead by now. I was surprised they didn't send me to A School. I guess they were going to soon. Or my mum told them her plan.
The sudden sound of a hand slamming on the table draws me from my thoughts. I look up to see my annoyed mum. I guess I should say teacher since she's supposed to be Im teacher-mode now. My expression is full of confusion and laziness almost like I just woke up. "Olivia!" She barks. "What?" I grumble. Why is she yelling at me? I know I drifted off but she hadn't began to teach yet.  "You're staring off!" She points out. "I know but you weren't teaching so..." I shrug. "I don't care! You should always be ready to learn and pay attention!" I hear her respond. She doesn't care. Huh? Weird. Not really. Adults always find ways to get past the truth to make the younger feel small and idiotic but I know better. I keep my trap shut to use it for another time. When I don't respond, she sighs and smoothes out her clothes. "Now I guess since I wasn't teaching". The words are filled with some sarcasm and annoyance. I mean she wasn't but I guess she's not going to believe me. If I prove it she'll just say 'ok' and go off, as if it was nothing. "'I'll start to really teach now!" She says. She pulls out some papers and I instantly lean away. Ew paperwork. No. No way. I don't care if I do this all the time. I shall never be used to paperwork. It's pretty much fifty/fifty. You're either going to get a easy as cake assignment or a just-stab-me-now project. I usually get the stab-me-nows. Today is the day I do science. I'm learning astronomy at the moment. I don't know why. I learned this stuff in fourth grade but I don't complain. It only means the day is easier. It goes by faster. She sets the paper in front of me and I eye it. I've been on the subject of astronomy for three weeks so I'm sure the work won't be too difficult. I look over it carefully. It seems to be distributing the brightness and color of stars. I sigh in relief. That's easy as ever but knowing my mum, she probaly has some strings involved within it. I take my pencil in my hands. My fingers grip the smooth, golden wood. It's a good pencil, recently sharpened. The eraser hadn't been worn down from so many mistakes yet. I'll probaly lose it soon. It'll disappear and then I'll have to start the cycle over again. I sign my name and the date. I look up at my mum expectantly. She's looking at her clipboard, a pen to her lips. After a few seconds she catches my tiresome gaze. "Are you ready?" She asks. I nod with my hand against my cheek, my arm on the table. "Alright. So tell me what you learned last time". I hesitate "Well I did already learn most of this—". She silences me with a piercing glare. "I know you already learned this stuff before but you need to refresh your memory once and a while" She points out. "Oh. Fine" I grumble. It's morning and I'm a grumpy mess. I don't care if I being taught or having fun. Don't. Talk. To. Me. In. The. Flipping. Mornings. I earn another piercing glare from my mum. I expect her to snap or yell at me for having an attitude. Like usual. Sometimes even a slap across the face which only makes me more hard to deal with. "Last time I learned about how scientists organize stars with luminosity and tempature or color. Blue is the hottest. Red is the dullest?" I say the last part questioningly with a raised eyebrow. "Good" She grunts with a nod. I can tell she's not all the way satisfied but I don't really care. She should know what I've learned and haven't learned. Forget about reminding. She starts speaking and I sigh. Today is going to be a long day.

"Each minute is only another memory being made"

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