Chapter 2

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Maddies POV { Savage }

I wonder through my schools empty hallways. It's morning and only 15 minutes until school actually starts. I usually get here early so I can have some time alone or just to take in my school walls. Everyone seems to be in tutoring sessions or in the cafeteria, chatting away. My mind used to guide me there as soon as I entered the doors but my heart just faded a bit. I guess my heart realized that this is school. To survive, you need a brain. Not a heart. You can't take pity on others or be kind. Just mind your own business and you'll probaly get out safely on the outside. On the inside though you'll be drained. Hey but people still live right? They just lost themselves during school. They left a broken and bruised spirit floating through the halls. Sometimes I imagine that I can see the spirits of the lost and maybe I can help them find their way out and to wherever they need to go. Back to their body or just float away. Weird, I suppose. I hear footsteps echo on the white tile floor and I freeze and look around wildly. If it's a administrator then I'm in trouble. You're not really allowed to walk the halls before school starts. Unless you have a pass or a adults approval. They fear that we'll do some crazy shit. But that's the thing. They fear us. Adults are starting to fear the next generations. I wouldn't blame them. Look at what we do to each other. It's pretty much death at every corner. Each day we awake with a fear we never feel but we know it's there, haunting the back of our minds. The fear that this might be our last day. The fear that we'll never see a certain someone again. And in instinct we react in diffirent ways. Some are calm and intelligent and others are crazy and murderous. The footsteps are much closer now and I try to budge myself away. To run and hide. Hell, the adults are strict here. You basically have to be...good! My eyes finally land on the human. Turns out it's only another student. They glance at me as they pass by and I look over my shoulder to watch them go. Sure I have friends but they like to stay in the cafeteria. There is one friend who is always by my side but he's always late so I pretty much walk alone. I find a corner at the very back of the school. I smile. It's the corner I come to all the time when there is no one around. It's usually dark and dusty but that's perfectly fine. I'm not one for crowds. I just like the beauty of silence and loneliness. The ability to hear a pen drop or a conversation that you thought you would never hear. Or seeing a animal so closely. My hearing is sharp. Loud music and yelling haven't destroyed my ear drums yet. I set down my heavy backpack and lower myself onto my bottom. I wince as I hear the cracking of my body. I either need to stretch or damn I'm actually some supernatural monster who has lived for centuries and just now starting to feel the age in a young body. After I get comfortable, I reach into my back pocket of my black jeans and latch around my phone. I grin and then pull out my earbuds. They are a tangled mess but ain't nobody got time to untangle them. If I did, I would be stuck here for years and mostly my fingers would become part of the knot. Instead I plug them into my phone and put the earbuds where they belong. I lean back and turn on my phone and go straight to anime. I have some shows to catch up on. I decide to watch Soul Eater first. Ah how nice. My finger traces over the characters lightly to where I won't disturb my phones peaceful place. I hum the theme song lowly though I can't really tell the volume of my voice, since I have earbuds in. It seems you just lose control of yourself as soon as you put them in. Every once and a while I'll glance up and study the scene of the school. I didn't want anyone to find me. If they did, I would get in trouble. Again. Fear. Like a girl watching anime in a dark corner would kill someone? Well....that could happen...if someone insults my anime. Yeah a few people have done it just to find out what would happen. I don't think they ever heard the saying, 'Curiosity killed the cat'. Their loss. It feels nice to be like this. To watch anime quietly before school starts. Before I have to control my patience and just be a quiet person. I don't like socializing. It always turns out in betrayal or heartbreak. So I prefer just brief chats. The sounds of my show stops and I frown and glance down at my phone. It has a loading sound on it. I clench my teeth as my heart drops. God damn it! "Come on load!" I mutter to it. That's the thing of not being able to watch your show on a television screen. You have to wait for it to load. Sometimes all the way. As I wait impatiently I turn my head to look at the window. It's small and a little high up so that no one could bust out of this place. I wouldn't ever be that brave most likely. Unless I'm about to lose it. I'm not a bad kid but I'm not a goody-two shoes either. I'm.....unpredictable. I can be a warm friend one moment and a dangerous enemy the next. Adults like to call these people "Bipolar". But I know that's the not the real deal. These people are called...Savage. And I know a few of them.

"Oh I'm something way worse"

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