•Getting The News And Arriving•

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Yukiko's Pov
"Thanks everyone for being here! I love you all so much! Please listen to all of our songs! Anyways goodnight!" Yukiko yelled to all of her screaming fans. She was at her last concert singing with her freind daisuke. She was so excited to go home to yui! She missed her sister so much!!! So right after her concert was finished she drove back to the church.
"I'm back!" She yelled. All of the nuns of the church came to her. "Welcome back Snow! How was your trip?" One of them asked I answered, "It was amazing bolth me and daisuke had a great time. Do you know where yui is bye the way?" They all looked at each other and nodded. One stepped forward her name tag said Maria. "Yui has gone to the sakamaki household snow. She has been chosen to be a sacrificial bride. And so have you. You need to leave here right now in order to make it there and not be late. Goodbye. Snow."

Yui's Pov
I was running Down the hall trying to get away from ayato. He was chasing me around the house trying to suck my blood. I then saw reji's room. I then took my chances and fan to that door. When I got there I knocked on the door. Reji opened the door. "What do you want you despicable human?" Asked reji. " please help me I'm trying to get away from ayato he's trying to suck my blood!!!" Just as yui yelled that ayato showed up behind her. Oi! Chinishi! let me suck your blood!"
"Ayato, how many times do I have to tell you do tour private stuff in your own room! And yui I have a letter for you." Reji said. Ayato nibbled something like "that tableware otaku  how dare he order yours truly around."
Then reji looked at me and gave me the letter. "Thank you reji-San." "I didn't do that for you. I just needed to give you that letter. Good bye and don't bother me again." He then shut the door. I went back to my room, opened the door, and sat on my bed. I opened up my letter and it said.

Dear yui,
I am writing to you to tell you that I'm off my tour.  It went great me and daisuke had a great time. Anyways after I got back I went to the church to see you but I heard that you went to a place called the sakamaki household. I hope you remembered your manners. Anyways I'm on my way to you right now. Stay safe because I know they are vampires...  I will see you in two days. When you get this it should be in about  five minutes.
-love your sister Yukiko❤️

After I read that I was in shock.
Knock knock knock
Yay she's here! I'll go get here.

Yukiko's pov
Finally im at this place. I knocked on the door three times and waited for an answer. When the door opened I saw yui! "Yui! I missed you so much. I hope you got my letter. Anyways if you didn't I said that I had a great time with daisuke and that I'm going to be living with you!" She looked shocked when I said I was going to be living with her. Then her face suddenly turned into a happy one. "Yes I did get your letter. I'm so excited that you are going to be living with us!"
Cough cough
"Oh, I'm so sort I new there were people here but I was just so excited to see my sister after a month has gone bye." I have them my cutest pout and flashed my big light purple doe eyes and twirls a strand of my thigh length black hair. They all blushed and looked away. Yui just slightly shook her head and frowned. Then one of the boys who had black hair with a purple tinge to it, red eyes and glasses came up to me. He kneeled before me taking my hand while speaking. "Good afternoon my lady. I am reiji sakamaki the second oldest of the brothers. Please allow me to introduce you to us." Reiji said while kissing my hand I then replied. "I would be honoured reiji." Reiji smiled at me and said. "Okay then. The one on the couch over there is shu sakamaki. He's the oldest. The one leaning on the couch with a fedora is laito sakamaki. He is the third oldest and the oldest of the triplets. The one holding a tedy bear and has purple hair and eyes is Kanato sakamaki he's the forth oldest middle of the triplets. The last one with his tie wrapped weirdly and improperly around his neck is ayato sakamaki. He's the fifth oldest and the youngest of the triplets. And finally last but not least Subaru sakamaki. He's the one with white hair. He's the youngest of the family. And you already know yui obviously. Know will you please introduce yourself to us please my lady." I then smiled a warm and soft smile. "My name is Yukiko Amagi. Yui is my younger sister. I am very please to meet you." I say as I curtsy. "Now I just arrived here as I just got home from my tour cause I'm a world wide national singer. May One of you please show me to my room?" I asked them. It looked like reiji was about to offer but yui cut in saying that she'll take me to my room I Said ok and goodbye to the brothers as I head to my new room.
Sakamakie's brothers thoughts.

Shu~wow she's perfect and so beautiful she must also love music...I wonder if she plays any instruments...

Reiji~as I watched her walk away I could already tell she's perfect she's musically gifted, nice, caring, and so polite. I wonder what level she is in school...

Laito~perfect. Nice, caring, you can tell she's athletic. Also she's the perfect size...

Kanato~wow. I wonder if she likes sweets cause if she does she's perfect...

Ayato~i think I'm in love. She so sweet, nice, caring, athletic. Also she's definitely not a Chinishi. She's the perfect size...

Subaru~she looks so pure. So sweet and innocent. She also had perfect manners. And loves music. I want her as mine...

Hello everyone. That was the first chapter please tell me who Yukiko should be with!
Or who hasn't shown up yet
Okay so please tell me also


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