Chapter 14

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Percy watched sadistically as Gabe was forced to run through flaming cactus fields. His mother was proud that he let his father handle the justice but she didn't know that he watched it be dealt with in the underworld, his punishment was the worst of them all. He had to face giant scorpions, swim through a lake of fire, run through a field of flaming cactuses, drink vile liquids that made him horribly sick, and many more punishments that made Jupiter's punishments look like a walk through the park. Gabe looked at the balcony Percy was standing on in terror,

"Help me boy! Get me out of this!" Percy smirked at his old terrified tormentor,

"I'm just a freak remember?" He turned his back to the now cursing man and smiled with satisfaction of his horrible punishments. He decided to go to Elysium and finally visit Bianca, he hadn't had the guts to visit her since he felt guilty about her death. He wondered if she hated him for getting her killed, no her last words were that she loved him. He tried to assure himself but felt uncertain and he hated the feeling of uncertainty. He stood outside the golden gates of Elysium and took a shuttered breath, he opened them and walked down the golden streets. Fallen heroes walked on the streets and waved at Percy as he passed, Odysseus, Theseus, fallen hunters, Achilles. He didn't see Bianca and felt nervous, surely she would make it. She risked her life to save his and Thalia's, she was a hero. His palms started to sweat and he ran his hand through his hair as guilt and nervousness began to eat at him. He then saw a girl sitting alone on a park bench, she was smiling as she watched children run around laughing. She had black hair and he instantly recognized her, Bianca. He walked over slowly and sat by her, she didn't seem to notice him so he began talking,

"It's nice of Pluto to automatically put kids in Elysium." Without looking at him she smiled and nodded,

"Yes it is, he is my father. Actually Hades is, he's a nice dad." Percy chuckled at her obliviousness of not seeing him,

"He sure is, though Pluto is my father. Long time no see sis." Her eye brows shot up and she looked at him in surprise,

"Percy!" She crushed him in a hug which he eagerly returned as tears slid down his face. He was so happy to see her, her death was traumatizing for him and Nico. He rocked her back and forth as she squeezed his waist tightly, he had missed his sister immensely and seeing her made him feel elated. He felt bad about not bringing Nico along but he needed to make sure that she wasn't mad at him, he needed to make sure that she was in Elysium. Minos was an awful judge and was unpredictable when it came down to the question of who deserved what. He pulled away and smiled widely at her as tears of joy continued to stream down his face. She wiped his tears away as her own fell as well,

"I'm so sorry I couldn't save you sis," Percy stared with a shaky voice,"you saved my life and I'm so grateful. Nico and I lost it when you died, we both missed you so much. I didn't have the guts to visit you yet because I was afraid you would be mad at me." She just hugged him harder and he felt giddy that she was actually here with him, he failed her but she had forgiven him. She looked up at him with watery, onyx colored eyes,

"Don't beat yourself up about it Percy, you tried. I've missed you and Nico though, I'm not mad at you Percy. Elysium is very nice, I saved your life because I love you, because your my big brother." Tears returned and he held his lost sister close again, a crowd formed and someone shouted,

"Perce has a girlfriend!" He whirled around to see Theseus and Achilles poking fun at him, he and Bianca made faces and he glared at the fallen heroes,

"She's my sister! Besides that's more of a Zeus and Hera thing." Laughter erupted and Percy prayed that Hera never found out that he made fun of her, he wasn't afraid of Zeus because he was kind of a pansy. Zeus's threats were getting old, all he talked about was killing people with his stupid, giant taser. But seriously, a brother and a sister together? No wonder Ares was so messed up. He actually liked the war gods roman form Mars, Mars held great prestige and honor something that was essential for any roman. Ares was pompous and over confident, he played dirty and held no honor as his other persona did. Percy wiped his last tears away and ruffled Bianca's hair fondly,

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