Chapter 1

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••••••••••• NOTE •••••••••••

This is how he looks, not exactly but meh.

Just imagine him more smiley and stuff accordingly.

Hope you like this story.


Tonight the moon was especially beautiful. I craned my neck for a better view.

Until I looked around, trying to make sight of the sound of footsteps I heard.

It was unusual to have a disturbance in the middle of the night.

For the meantime, I postponed my nightly moon-viewing.

Even in the pitch black of night, the sky had a strange glow to it.

I turned to the sound of running feet and saw a familiar silhouette.

The figure ran in the dark, dashing with a purpose.

I swept aside my long bangs and squinted my eyes for more focus.

It was her. She was rushing towards the station, with a small sheep backpack in tow.

Discreetly I separated myself from the tree I'm leaning on and strode to her path.

She didn't seem to notice me, fully immersed in her goal.

I stuck my foot in front, and she tripped and fell. Her mouth in the shape of 'o'.

Before she collapsed to the ground I grabbed her arm and steadied herself. She yelped at the sudden balance.

Then I slipped my arm around her waist. And pulled her closer to my chest.

With my other hand I took a hold of her chin and faced her to mine.

Through my silver strands I stared straight in her brown orbs.

Her features that of innocence, her eyes widened and her lips parted in surprise.

My breath fanned her face like a caress.

"Mikan, what are you doing?"


In reflex, she flailed in my arm and pushed me away from her.

I took a step backward, but kept a firm hold on her arm to prevent her escaping.

Her cheeks the color red. It was a mixture of embarassment and shock.

She stuttered, the words stringed to a sentence incorehent on her tongue.

The metaphor "cat got your tongue" fit her situation exactly.

It seemed like she couldn't find the perfect excuse, since she was gaping speechlessly.

"You're going to meet Hotaru, huh? In Tokyo," I sighed.

She looked away and stammered a quite sensible sentence, "E-eh? What a-are y-you t-talking about?"

I sweatdropped, she couldn't lie to save her life; it was too easy to figure out.

This is Mikan after all, the same spontaneous, dumb, loyal girl that followed Hotaru everywhere.

Same old, same old, I chuckled in my mind.

To be that honest and truthful, I found those parts of her refreshing.

So gullible and so easy to fool... Too easy.

"It's okay. I won't tell," I assured her.

I wouldn't do that to her. But I hoped she knew what she was getting into.

"Eh? Really?" I chuckled. "Yes. Really. In fact I'm coming with you."

I decided just a moment ago. I couldn't avoid going to Alice Academy.

"EHHH?!?" Before she could shout any longer I muffled her voice with my hand.

I pressed a finger to my lips signaling her to keep silent. She wouldn't want to wake the villagers up.

When she realized what I meant and nodded, I let go of my hold.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go." I leisurely started walking with my hands in my pocket.

I didn't need to prepare any of my possessions to bring. My room was practically empty of things of sentimental value.

I didn't need to go back to my house. There was no one I need to inform about me leaving.

....Well, maybe the real estate, to tell them they could sell the house again.

After a minute of standing still Mikan tentatively jogged to my side.


Instantly I knew what she tried to ask and answered, "Because someone has to keep an eye on you."

She kept quiet and I found it too quiet, and that is unlike her.

The sight was comical that I had to restrained my amusement.

When I turned my head to the side I saw her pouting with her cheeks puffed like a squirrel.

Continuing our journey I trembled from containing my laughter, my lips pursed.

And I knew that she noticed it, since she warned, "Don't laugh at me!"

I couldn't handle it any longer I bursted the seal on my mouth.

While I indulged myself in amusement, she grumbled under her breath in frustration.

Boarding the train I was still smiling from ear to ear.

It must be strange, people saw a silver-haired boy with his bangs blocking his eyes smiling like a joker.

I cleared my throat and control my expression to a calmer one.

We sat, Mikan took the window-seat with me right beside her.

I could read her like a book. She must be thinking like this:

'Sorry, grandpa. I have to see Hotaru again, no matter what. This Alice School Hotaru went to... They don't even let parents meet with students there, but... Somehow, I'll beg them and see Hotaru again! I'll come back home soon after that, so don't worry. "Even if it's something impossible, a path will open up for you as long as you never give up!" is something you taught me, right, grandpa? I've decided to follow Hotaru and see her once again. I want to redo things from step one as her best friend.'

Something along those lines. And no, my Alice wasn't mind-reading.

I was just good at guessing their personalities and actions. And all sorts of relevant things.

To me, reading my opponent's minds from their facial expressions and habits was something instinctual.

I was completely aware of whatever they're thinking. I was said to be a monster when it came to playing mind games.

I came from that kind of family, after all.

A yawn. Hearing that, at the corner of my eye she dazed off, trying to stay awake.

She looked, no, was sleepy. I gently placed her head on my shoulder.

With her face still cupped in my hand, her energy to resist gone.

"Sleep. I'll wake you at our stop," I told her. She nodded a thank you and was out like a light.

Retracting my hand back as she peacefully slept I noticed the slightly crumpled letter Hotaru sent her in her grasp.

I smiled and whispered to her ear, "Good night. Sweet dreams."

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