Born Again

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"Jason! 12 o'clock!"

He sucks and slashes, stabbing and rolling on the ground.

"Piper! 3 feet on your right!"

He runs through the masses, desperately trying to help his friends.


He lunges in front of dear Hazel, and knocks a dagger from his enemy's hand.
He helps up the sweet girl, then runs off to aid the others.

"Annabeth! Duck!"

He lunges over his girlfriends, turning the dracnae that was about to behead her to dust.

"Thanks Seaweed brain!"

"No problem Wisegirl!"

He is a storm in a mass of enemies, a force to be reckoned with.

Slash and duck

Stab and roll

Block and lunge

Turn and slide

He is random, always moving, always fighting, but unpredictable.

And then...


He challenges Gaea.

He manages to slice off her arm, but she is still touching the earth, so it just reforms. He continues slashing and slicing her until he grows frustrated and his moves turn careless.

Beads of Sweat forms on his brow. His forehead wrinkles in concentration, he squints his eyes.

Slash, stab

Duck, lunge

Roll, block

He leaps up into the air, turns midway, and lands on Gaea's shoulders.


She screams and tries to swat him off, but he holds on for dear life. He grips onto her hair tightly with one hand, and summons the water molecules into the air, condensing them and making them bring the two of them up, and up, and up.

When he is high enough in the air, about 75 feet, he lets go of her hair and falls, but stabs his sword in her back and pushing hard so it punctures her. He doesn't let if of his sword, though, so the momentum of his fall brings the sword down and slices her body clean in half.

She screams, turning into dust as he falls. He wants to finish her off, so he angles into a nose dive, with his sword stretched out in front of him.




He falls.


He hears his comrades calling his name in desperation, feels Jason try to control the winds around him-Zeus helping him, but he urged the water molecules to push him along faster.


He strikes home. His sword runs through the ground. His body slams into the ground after he runs out of hilt, but his sword keeps going, down to the Earth's core. The Earth rumbles and shakes as his sword hits the core and they know that Gaea will sleep forever. They do not know how, but they know.

They all kneel next to his limp form. He had died on impact, they thought, hadn't even gotten the chance to say goodbye.

"Her soul is connected to his sword..."

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