Jolly666......Is dead....(Jolly666 the ship is dead..)

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Jolly:666...we need to talk...they want you and insane!Simon to be back as a! No! Please!
Jolly:I think we should break up...until this passes over...
Bodil666:He is just a friend....I can tell alley to stop it!
Jolly:there tearing us apart....bodil666...I can't do this...*Tears fall down face* I-I lost my mom and my dad...I don't wanna
Bodil666:...I know...please..Jolly I love you I won't leave you...please don't do this
Jolly:...........*Hugs 666* Lets just be friends....ok...ill come to hell everyday...go be with him...and if you ever need me....I'm here...I love toy...
Bodil666:...Agreed....but can we tougher then this blows over...
Jolly:yes.......but before you go see last kiss..?
Bodil666:1 last kiss...
Jolly:*Kisses 666*
Bodil666:*Kisses back*
Both:*pulls away*

Jolly:bye....I love you....
Bodil666:bye I'll talk to you you...
Jolly:yeah....*Turns and walks away holding the Neckless he gave her on there first date*

Joy:Please ask and dare please ask and dare.....ASK AND DARE!...Mommy upset again...

( alleycat01134 iIIEmeraldRose TheMuffinMan6879 )

Sorry muffin you got your wish!

Insane!666 will live on...

Ask/dare The Crazies Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt