Chapter 1

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Let's go back to the beginning, September of 2014. The first month of high school. I'm pretty sure I erased that first week from my memory but it was mainly scrambling to find my classes, make new friends, and surviving in this scary new place. In the second week of school when things were finally starting to make sense I started noticing the people around me and in my classes. There was this boy in all of my afternoon classes who everybody seemed to know. He seemed like the popular nerdy type, the kind to have a bunch of girls going after him at once. I never thought a popular (of sorts) guy would give me a second glance, but he started talking to me that week, flirting like it was second nature to him. He introduced himself as Caden Hall, and I responded with my name, Amber Collins. We immediately hit it off (after I friend-zoned him) and were best friends within the week.

Sam, my best friend from middle school told me about the new friends she had made. I explained how Caden and I had hit it off that week and how I wanted her and him to meet in order for neither of them to feel threatened by the other.

"Oh my god! I saw him walking around school and he's such a cutie, you definitely should go for it," Sam said.

"No way!" I responded. "Me and him have set the boundary of just being friends, and no way would I ever want to date him."

"Is this your stupid pride thing about friends of the opposite sex staying just friends and not gaining feelings for each other?" Sam questioned.

"Maybe..." I hesitantly responded.

"You need to get over that stupid notion and accept that you can have feelings and it can work out. Just look at what could've happened with Mathias last year," She rationed. I internally groaned. Mathias was a mutual friend of ours who ended up liking me. Needless to say, things got weird between us.

"Are you ever going to let that go?" I asked. "That's all you've talked about since we left middle school."

"Because it was upsetting! I was working very hard for you two to get together and you completely trashed all my hard work," She explained.

"Apologies, but I can take care of myself thanks. I know when to set boundaries in my life, and things with Mathias would've never worked out. Besides, we're at different high schools and everybody knows that long distance relationships only last a certain amount of time," I said.

"But you could've been happy for that short amount of time," Sam said.

"Really it's okay. If I develop feelings for Caden I will go for it, you can hold me to that. But the truth is I can never see that happening," I explained.

How wrong I was. How could I have known that in less than a year Caden would mean the world to me and I couldn't see my life without him? But let's get back to the story.

"Come on, we have bio homework to do," I said trying to change the subject.

"Yeah, yeah..." Sam trailed off. We heard a baby crying which drew both of our attention's away from the very interesting biology homework. It was Sam's baby brother, who was just six months old. Her parents decided to have another child as they were very young when they had both Sam and her older sister. The idea of Sam being an older sister made her both nervous and apprehensive, but she was doing a great job at it.

"I should probably go get him," Sam said.

"Yeah, okay," I responded. She got up and walked out of her room to get to her little brother. I never wanted younger siblings either, I'm the youngest of three and having two older siblings is enough for me. I can't imagine having the responsibility of taking care of a younger sibling, and yet I've always wanted to be a mother when I got older.

My thoughts drifted to Caden. What were his thoughts on younger siblings? Like me he was the youngest of three. I'm sure he would be a great older brother, and eventually father. I can just picture him holding a small baby in his arms, a big smile on his face...

I shook my head to stop my thoughts from venturing any further. Maybe I was starting to get feelings for Caden, but for me to admit that would be like the chances of David Tennant saying no to the role of the Doctor; just not possible. I can't imagine how Sam would react if I told her I was questioning my feelings for Caden. I know I established we were just friends but how can I not start to get feelings for someone as thoughtful, kind, nice, and  considerate person as Caden?

These thoughts need to leave my head right now, it will only lead to unwanted heartbreak and drama that I don't want to get involved in. No, it's better for us to just stay friends. It's the best thing for both of us. (Or so I thought.)


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xoxox ~crazed_with_fandoms

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2016 ⏰

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