IRL #1

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"Kageyama-kun?" Hinata asked loud enough for him to hear over his blasting music. Kageyama turned to him with a half-hearted glare.

"What do you want ? I'm trying to study and I'd rather not stay up longer than this entire night."

Hinata pouted and put his pencil down in his diary. He stood up and walked closer to Kageyama's side of the room.

"Are you feeling ok?" Hinata inquired, tilting his head to the side. Kageyama cleared his throat, scratching the back of his neck. The last time he had opened up to him on their day out, it really lifted a huge weight off of Kageyama's shoulders. Maybe he should confide in him again? Hinata was the type of person to really try their hardest to genuinely care about what another person is feeling, and Kageyama really admired that about him.

Since Kageyama had still said nothing, Hinata took this as a chance to sit down beside him on his bed. He glanced at the computer, which was opened to an article on the Seijou Highschool volleyball team. His eyes then flicked over to a small book sitting next to Kageyama. Kageyama noticed his gaze and quickly covered the book with his blanket.

"Dumbass, I didn't say you could sit on my bed." Hinata quickly stood up, but Kageyama grabbed his wrist, pulling him back down.

"...But I guess you can." Hinata's heart fluttered, realizing how cute Kageyama was when he was being some-what nice. If only he was like that more often...

Kageyama took a deep breath before delving into what was his "horrible" day. Hinata tried his hardest to listen without looking confused. What Kageyama told him seemed like a great day to Hinata.

"...One of my teachers springs a pop quiz on us and I get an 85. Then I go to the library only to not get anything done and instead waste time reading this interesting book I found." Kageyama shook his head. "Now I have to spend the rest of my night studying."

Isn't that what you do anyway...? Hinata thought to himself.

Kageyama looked down depressingly at his hand, still gripping Hinata's wrist. He really didn't want to let go, and Hinata wasn't trying to pull away from him, so he didn't. He laughed inwardly to himself.

"You really don't want to listen to this--" Hinata quickly turned his whole body towards Kageyama, a hurt look on his face.

"Of course I want to hear about your day ! Why would I have asked if I didn't care ??"

Kageyama smiled thankfully at Hinata, a faint blush dusting his cheeks. They then continued talking about their days for the next few hours.

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