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"So let me get this straight. You ran into this girl, Nikki, the new girl, before school even started?! God damn J, talk about a lady killer."

You know, if I hadn't known Jimmy for over 10 years, I'd probably hate him. All his corny jokes, usually at my expense, were never funny, and always agonizing.

I didn't need Jimmy to remind me of this morning. Thinking about it more and more only made me more and more embarrassed. It wouldn't have mattered, if Nikki wasn't literally the most attractive person I've ever seen. Only my dumb ass could've done something like this. God I just want to bury my head in the sand and graduate tomorrow.

The next day wasn't as bad. I didn't plow into anyone before school today. Always a bonus. I couldn't help but think about what Nikki must think of me. I can only imagine her going home and..

"Hey." I heard a vaguely familiar voice call out to me. "You're the kid that ran into me right? What was your name again? Was it Robert, or something?" It was Jordan. But hey who cares.

"I'm not Robert. I'm Jordan. And I'm also very sorry.... Again." Hm. Why was I acting shy. I'm not shy. I love people. Well not really. I hate most people, but I'm good at dealing with people.

"Right. Jordan. Well, I have no friends at this place yet, and I figured you owe me one, so after school today, you're taking me to the ice cream shoppe down the road. I want a chocolate milkshake, and a friend."

I don't know if she could realize the pure shock I was feeling at this time, but if I had to guess, my jaw hovering inches from the ground and eye brows raised into my hair line might've given my emotions away.

"I'll take your overwhelming silence as an agreement. What car do you drive? It'll be easier to meet there."

Still shocked, I told Nikki about my car, the beat up old Chevy, and told her that I'd buy her a milkshake to make up for her warm welcome to Fort Branch High.

Nikki didn't say anything after that. She just shot me a warm smile and turned away and headed to her class.

Still standing there in amazement, I feel none other than Jimmy's hand on my shoulders. All the probable jokes he could make flood my mind, but to my surprise, he doesn't make a joke. He said to me, "Ah love. It's something ain't it?"

Still struggling to comprehend my date thing, after school I turn my head towards Jimmy and give him a swift punch to the gut.

"Not funny."

I can't be in love. She's not my type. I like girls who're a little shorter, blonde, and have brown eyes. So Nikki. Shit.

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