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"Jordan! It's already 8:45! You're gonna be late for school! You can't be late on the first day!"

Thanks mom. More times than not my mother's screaming is the first thing I hear in the morning. God I can't wait to leave this shitty little town after I graduate this year. I've spent the last 11 years of my life with the same 55 people in my graduating class. Guess you can't expect anything more from Fort Branch Indiana.

I should've gotten some sleep last night. Guess your body doesn't adjust back to a regular sleep schedule as fast as you'd like after the most interesting summer of your life. At the end of 11th grade, my class had 54 people in it. But before the start of senior year, it was boosted to 55. The unlucky bastard who got stuck here in Nowhere Special USA was Nikki.

I haven't met her yet. Just heard a few stories. People who've met her once at a store, or saw her at a party, or had a cousin who knew someone that used to date her. Basically to me, Nikki was just a name and number. 55.

"I'm coming mom!"
I love and hate that woman at the same time. There was no need for her to wake me up. I have my own beat up SUV, can drive, and don't even have a class until 2nd block of my school day. One of the perks of being a senior. One of the very, very few perks.

The last 11 years of my life have kinda blurred together. Some points highlighted by a championship game here and there, or the loss of a family member, gaining of a new friend, or ending of a relationship. All I can really take from my childhood is that I want to run. I want to leave this hell-hole and never look back. All I gotta do is graduate, and get into a far enough away college. That's the plan anyway.

"Jordan! What's up buddy? One hell of a party last weekend. Sucks were back here now though."

"Yeah Jimmy. I know I was there."

Don't let the sarcasm fool you. Jimmy has been my best friend for years. One of the few people I know I'm gonna miss after this year. Besides, I'm mean to the people I care about. That's how they I like them.

Jimmy, or James, as his mother and girlfriend call him affectionately, ain't much to look at, respectively. Standing at 5' 9", with a brown mop upon his head, and the same dorky smile he's had since we were 5, it's a surprise Miranda wants anything to do with him. Oh. Miranda. I almost forgot. She's some brainiac type. Real smart, real about herself, real fake. But her and Jimmy were in love or something like that, so who was I to judge?

"C'mon James" I said in a mocking tone while winking to him, "we're gonna be late to our first class as seniors! The gift from God known as first block study hall."

Jimmy took off sprinting for the door like he always did. What a weirdo. Gotta love him though. Playing along I decide to run after him until the next thing I know I'm laying on my back right before the door to get into school.

I sat up dazed and a little shocked to see a girl with bleach blonde hair, with a blue streak along the side, with the softest brown eyes I could ever imagine staring back at me.

"Ow. That Fucking hurt. What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

The mysterious woman said curtly. I was surprised she'd said something like that, it being the first time we've ever met.

"Nice to meet you too." Bitch. "I'm Jordan."

"I believe the pleasure is all mine. I'm Nikki."

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