a scream escaped from my mouth as tears were pouring down my face.
I could feel the wound on my eye and cheek pulsing.
as the tears kept traveling down my cheeks, I was trying to crawl to the bathroom to get away from him.
"where the fuck do you think you are going?" and with that, I felt a fist flying straight into the side of my face, I let out a loud scream hoping that someone, somewhere could hear me. I kept trying to get away from him, but I felt my body get weak and my vision started fading until I stopped moving and just saw darkness.
Scooter Braun's POV:
"so Justin, what's it like to be on a break? we have to get back on the Believe Tour in three weeks, so enjoy the rest of your vacation okay?"
"yeah of course, it's great to have a bit of time off!" Justin said throwing his hands up in the air.
"I was thinking that we, we meaning me, you, your mom, the crew and some of your friends and Kendall would like to go on vacation to the Dominican Republic maybe? just for the next three weeks?" I asked Justin, as I waited for him to shout with excitement.
"hell yeah! Scoot, have I ever told you that you're the best manager ever?"
just as i was about to respond to Justin, my phone started ringing.
"hello? yes this is Mr Braun. yes officer - what's the problem?"
"sorry to bother you Mr Braun, but we have a very serious issue happening with your daughter, Kendall. could we bring her to your home?" the officer asked.
"yes, of course officer. is everything alright?" an immediate state of shock just beamed through me.
"yes sir, she was involved in a mix up with her boyfriend, Nathan Berry, we are sorting everything out, but we think it is for the best that she stays with you from now on."
"wait, what is going on? officer, I am very confused, may I talk to my daughter? is she alright?" a hundred and one questions were running through my mind right now, I just hope that my darling daughter is ok.
"yes sir, I will explain everything to you when I see you. I'm afraid that you can't talk to your daughter at this moment, she isn't conscious at the moment, but we have an ambulance here and everything will be fine."
"ok thank you officer, please hurry!" I said.
why is my daughter unconscious? what has happened? is she okay?
I could feel the tears well up in the back of my eyes.
"scoot, are you okay?" Justin asked me with a concerned look on his face.
"I actually, I don't know.." I replied back quietly.
Kendall's POV:
I woke up, lying on the ground with people hovering around me.
I closed my eyes shut, hoping that this entire thing would somehow be a dream. when I reopened my eyes, it then hit me that this whole situation that I've put myself through is very serious.
I looked around trying to gather as much information to what was going on, until I saw, Nathan. in handcuffs, being taken into the back of a police car.
"what's happening?" I asked, my voice very soft.
"don't worry sweetie, you're okay. you're a very strong girl. we're going to take you to your dad okay?" a kind lady said to me, who as to what I gathered was a police officer.
I got taken into the back of a police car, and I fell straight to sleep.
I really could not believe how far this entire situation has gotten, but I am so grateful that it is over.
as the car came to a stop, I stayed on the back seat as the officers went out, I was too tired to open my eyes and see where I was. I heard a door open and I then heard some voices. I strained to hear what was being said.
"Mr Braun, are you aware of the situation that has been going on between your daughter and Nathan Berry?" I heard an officer ask my dad.
"no, I am not." my dad replied.
"I believe that your daughter, has been going through severe domestic violence over the past 8 months."
my dad did not reply.
"we have arrested Mr Berry, so you do not have to worry about him anymore, but your daughter is in the car."
"uhm, thank you so much officer." my dad replied, I knew, by the sound of his voice that he was trying to hold back his tears.
I never told my dad about what I went through. I was always hiding the bruises that were left on my body. I was always too scared to tell my dad or anyone because I didn't want them to worry about me...
"hey Ken," I felt my dad kiss me on the forehead, "I am so so so so sorry, and I just wish I would have known so I could have done something to protect you, but from now on, I promise you, I will. "
I kept my head down, trying to avoid my dad from seeing my black eye.
"I love you dad." I struggled to get my voice loud enough for him to hear me.
my dad helped me out from the car and through the front door, it was dark out. it was 10pm so that helped me in the sense that he wouldn't see my bruises.
as I walked through the front door, I thought the house would be empty but turns out it wasn't. Alfredo, Kenny, Ryan Goode, Pattie, Ryan Butler and Justin Bieber were all sitting in the living room talking among themselves, I knew they were talking about what happened to me. as I closed the front door, they all turned heads to see me standing there, with my dad next to me and him holding my bags.
they all stared at me, at a loss for words at what to say, I could tell that they were all so sympathetic towards me but they didn't know what had happened to me yet. I kept my head down, avoiding all sorts of questions that I would be faced with.
"night dad. thank you so much. I love you" I kissed my dad on the cheek and made my way up the stairs to my bedroom.
I closed my door and sat with my back against the door. and with that, the tears just ran down my cheeks.