Chapter 1 and Introduction

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Introduction :

Welcome Back to Tree Hill, discover the next chapters of the story that changed your lives,the story that told you the meaning of life,what is new now is that the generation has changed,say hello to James Lucas Scott, this is his story.His journey from the' River Court to getting selected for the Tree Hill Ravens , a successful basketball career, romance , decisions, LIFE.

Chapter 1 - First Sight

"So are you planning on joining the Ravens?" Nathan asked Jamie

"I don't know dad, i don't think i'm ready..." said Jamie

"Yeah you keep saying that!" replied Nathan with anger

"I still have 3 years to decide if i'm ready or not Dad! Not everybody is Nathan Scott, and if you have a problem with my choices i don't even know what i'm doing here having this meaningless conversation with you, all i ever wanted was you to understand me" shouted Jamie

"Look son, i didn't mean it like that" said Nathan

Without saying anything Jamie walked out of the house and headed for the river court, on the way he caught up with this new student who has been transferred from Charleston to Tree Hill, she was on her car and almost ran over Jamie, he was scared and gave the girl a blank look, he seemed lost but then the girl waved and he gave this little smirk and kept on moving , he reached the river court and there was his group of friends, Shawn, Bran , Lee and Brad, they were playing but passed the ball to Jamie as soon as he entered the court and he went for the 3 pointer and made it..

"My homeboy scores!"


Shouted Bran and Lee

"Well thanks guys but umm do you know what the name of that new transfer girl is?"

"Lauren Anderson, isn't she pretty?" said Shawn

"Umm yeah well she almost..."

And then rang Jamie's phone , it was his uncle Lucas Scott.

"Hey uncle Lucas!"

"Hey kiddo, i heard about your little fight , haha , i understand you're not ready, so i'm coming back to Tree Hill"

"Oh wow, uncle Lucas, that is great, is aunt Peyton coming too and Sawyer?"

"Yeah, we all shifting back!"

"Well it looks like i'm gonna be spending a lot of time with you"

"Ya better! And fix up things with your dad already!"

"Umm yeah , okay!"

"Well Jamie, see ya next week and take care!"

"Kay, you too!"

And so Jamie went back home without explaining the Lauren incident, he was happy, Lucas Scott was returning to Tree Hill.

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