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I heard you were just passing through, I never meant to get attached to you. The day we met, I still hold onto.


“Lou, why’re ya even getting drunk? Don’t cha have to work tomorrow?” Niall asked.

“I’m not getting drunk. I’m simply getting a bit tipsy, that’s all.”

“Louis, you’re drunk.”

“Shut up, Niall, I am not. Let me have my bar food and drink in peace, would ya?”

“Niall, I think we need to get him out of here,” Zayn suggested. “Wouldn’t want him hung over around a bunch of five year olds.”

“Hey, my kids are six, thank you very much. You know I can’t stand five year olds, they’re gross and messy. At least by the time they’re six they know that eating glue is weird and that picking their nose is weirder.” Louis argued.

“Louis, you still can’t teach while you’re hung over.”

“Fine, fine. You guys win this one. But you’re buying me coffee so I can at least sober up a little.”

“Alright, whatever,” Zayn relented. “Now budge over so I can get up.”

“Aw, thanks, Zaynie, you’re the greatest best friend ever,” Louis leaned over and placed a sloppy kiss on Zayn’s cheek.

“Ew, gross! Ugh, I don’t like you when you’re drunk.” Zayn said, wiping the kiss off his cheek with the back of his hand as he got up to get Louis his coffee. Niall was cracking up at this point, and Louis smiled. Niall was about as easy to entertain as a six year old, so he figured he’d be a wonderful teacher.

Louis had begun to pick at his food (it was a cheeseburger and chips, but it kind of tasted like cardboard, so he really wasn’t into eating it) while Niall’s intense laughter died down to chuckles when he heard it.

This pub always had someone singing, and usually they weren’t bad, but nothing Louis would ever pay to hear. But this guy, he was entirely different. His voice was deep and it was beautiful and smooth and velvety and strong and soft and warm and fuzzy and Louis really wasn’t sure how anyone could go a moment in their life without ever hearing this voice. Louis was certain he couldn’t even function correctly at this point. He shushed Niall, trying to hear the voice better and looked around the pub, trying to find where this guy was.

“Niall, where’s that coming from? You know this place better than I do, help me out here,” Louis spoke quickly. He didn’t want to miss a word coming out of this guy’s mouth.

“Uh, I think they usually perform outside, why?”

“I’ll be back,” Louis said, and he left the table and went to find the outside of the bar, determined to get a look at the man singing.


Hey, guys! I really liked this idea, so I'm going with it. I know this is short, but that's how most of the chapters will be. That means I'll be able to update much faster than I usually do (more like two or three times a month instead of once every two or three months), and this will have quite a few chapters (and by that I mean 15+ chapters instead of the 5 or 6 I had originally planned on it being). So it's a win-win situation for everyone! :)

Don't forget to vote, comment, fan, and/or share if you liked this (which I really hope you did)! I love you all, and thanks for reading! <3

~Erin :)xx

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