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It was out of the blue. You played a show, and we locked eyes by the stereo. I fell into your eyes so blue.


Louis had managed to drunkenly stumble his way out onto the patio attached to the building by the end of the song. He looked towards the stage and saw a kid (okay, not a kid, he only looked a couple of years younger than he did, but still) wearing jeans with holes at the knees, a white t-shirt (which showed off his tattoos fabulously), and a beanie strumming a guitar. If Louis wasn’t hooked on this guy before, he most definitely was now.

Louis looked around for a place to sit, and found a place in the front, though it was off the side a bit, by the stereo. Louis maneuvered through the growing crowd and took his seat, thankful that no one had taken it yet. Louis looked up at the bloke playing, thankful to have a good look at him. He’s pretty, Louis thought. Like, really, really pretty.

From here, Louis could see more to the lad than just his outfit. He could see big hands playing chords that he could never play because his hands were too small. He could see muscular arms flexing as the chords were played. He could see curls poking out of the beanie on the singer’s head. He could see a cute, penis shaped nose and pink, plump lips that he really, really wanted to plant his own onto.

And he could see blue-green eyes staring back at him.

Louis had no clue what to do. The guy had caught him staring (well, staring in a different way than everyone else. It was a concert after all). Louis didn’t even know if he was into guys! Oh well. YOLO, Louis thought, and sent Hot Guitar Guy a flirtatious smile, and Louis was delighted to see him send one right back at him before looking back out into the crowd.

The rest of the show continued on like that. Louis sat and listened to the music, and Hot Guitar Guy snuck glances at Louis, throwing him a dimpled smile every now and again.

Too soon, though, Hot Guitar Guy’s set ended. The man thanked everyone, handed his guitar to another guy standing off to the side, and walked off stage into the crowd of people who quickly surrounded him, congratulating him on a job well done and complimenting his voice and music (and a few females not-so-casually slipped their numbers into his pocket, but Louis tried his absolute best to ignore that). Louis just sat at his table and kept his eyes on the younger lad as he walked around the place, admiring his long legs and endless torso. Louis did manage to overlook how close he truly was, though, until he spoke directly to Louis.


The voice snapped Louis out of his dream-like state. He jumped, and his hand knocked over his drink. Louis looked down at the drink as it spread (he was really kind of shocked that it actually just happened). “Oops.”

Really Hot Guitar Guy smiled (quite adorably, Louis noticed) and grabbed some of the napkins from the holder on the table and stared mopping up the mess. But, apparently, he was just as clumsy as Louis. He wiped up the mess, but he managed to spill some of it on his shirt. Louis instantly felt guilty, and jumped into action.

“Oh god, I’m sorry. This is my fault. Here, lemme help you,” Louis said and grabbed some more napkins, dabbing at the mess on Really Hot Guitar Guy’s shirt, and the spot just so happened to be as close to his dick as possible because this bugger was so bloody tall, and it caused Louis to swallow and suppress every urge he had to suck his cock right then and there.

Really Hot Guitar Guy coughed awkwardly, and when Louis looked up, he saw that the boy’s cheeks were a light pink. And Louis realized he was already so far gone for this boy, it was really fucking ridiculous.

“Um, hi. I’m Louis,” Louis chirped and stuck out his hand, trying to get past the awkwardness of the situation.

“I’m Harry,” the younger boy said, shaking Louis’ hand (and Louis was shocked by the size difference between their hands. Either Louis was really fucking tiny or Harry’s hands were just abnormally large.)

“So, do you come here often?” Harry asked.

Louis burst out laughing. “Oh god, did you really just ask me that? That chat up line never works.”

“Heeey,” Harry pouted. “It works sometimes. Like, I got it to work on a girl once.”

“Yeah, once,” Louis said, still giggling. He sat back down, not sure if he could handle standing right now.

“You’re mean. When you were just sitting there listening, you were so much nicer. You looked like you couldn’t wait to bend me over a table and fuck me.”

Louis’s giggles stopped abruptly and his face burned. He spluttered, trying to figure out what he could possibly say to counter that. He managed to weakly argue, “I was not.”

“Not that I’d disagree with that. You’re hot and cutely and adorably awkward,” Harry said with a crooked smile that made Louis’ heart melt.

“I mean, we could go back to my place if you wanted. Or you could let me buy you a drink first?” Louis asked, wanting to see Harry smile some more first.

Harry’s smile grew bigger (and Louis was sure he was going to explode) and he answered with a shy nod.

That night, Louis and Harry talked about everything and anything. Harry talked about his budding music career, and Louis talked about how excited he was to teach his kids tomorrow. When Harry talked about his mom, Louis talked about his sisters. Eventually, the boys finished their chat, and walked the short distance to Louis’ flat, leaning on each other and leaving sloppy kisses on any body part they could reach.

Louis always smiles when he thinks about that day. It’s probably his favorite day of the many he’s spent with Harry. He also loves thinking of the following morning, when he woke up in Harry’s arms, when they made (well, attempted to make) pancakes, when he had to rush to work and kiss Harry goodbye, somehow managing to convince himself that leaving a stranger in his flat (with a spare key, no less) was totally okay, as long as that stranger was Harry. He spent his first day—and, really, every day after that—thinking of Harry. Whether it was his hair, his voice, or his dimples, Harry was constantly on Louis’ mind, and Louis could only hope he was on Harry’s.


Hey, guys! So, after a month of trying to figure out an ending, I gave up and did my best in 20 minutes. I'm super sorry for the month long wait, but we all know I'm shit at uploading. I really can't say much, I have to go get my brother from his baseball practice (yuck) and yeah. But I love you guys, thanks so much for reading, I really appreciate it. Vote, comment, fan, and share, if you're feeling extra nice! :) I love you, babes!

~Erin :)xx

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2013 ⏰

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