Funny ways to mess with your friends :P

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Chapter 4 the end.... Jk! Haha well this book is gonna be pretty long cuz idk how long I'm gonna make it but I need new ideas so please leave a comment and a <3 if u like it so far... Thx.



1) play the game which chips (or however u say it:|) and open your eyes ever 5 seconds

2) play ultimate frisbee and pretend your about to throw it but you don't XP

3)climb the highest tree around u and tell him ( this ones for the girls) to catch them but really jst jump til they t on the floor and your laying on him lol ;)

4) invite a bunch of your friends and tell them to meet u at the park with their bike but don't tell one of your friends and he'll/she'll become a loner! (it's kinda mean but if your a guy let your lady friend ride the bike :) be a gentleman)

5) play the watermelon game when u slide sideways down a slide but always make the biggest person u know go last so every one falls haha

6) If u play basketball kick the ball out of the court til u get kicked out of the game.

7) if their are paddle boats at the park ride one and tip the boat over til your in the water haha (do this with a friend that knows how to swim :))

8) sing a song from the top of your lungs that annoys everyone

9) tell stupid jokes to them

10) show them this book and c how they react :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2013 ⏰

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