First chapter first story and stuff yeah hope you like it. x
Willow's P.O.V
'OH MY GOD I HATE DANI MORE THAN ANYTHING IN THE WHOLE WORLD UGHHHHH!' my best friend, Kate, came screaming at me and my other best friend, Tina, at lunch.
'What has she done this time' Tina and I said in unison. Dani is the 'Queen Bee' at our school, everyone wants to be friends with her, everyone except us. She thinks she is amazing, she is so full of herself and all the boys fancy her. I dont understand why you would choose her out all the people there are. Then there are her little followers, Trisha, Annie and Caitlyn, and they worship the ground she walks on. They are all so irritating, they make the whole year hate us but to be honest with you we hate them all as well so it doesnt phase us.
'She aimed a football at my head!' Kate told us.
'Just aimed?' I asked
'What? You didnt think I was going to let her hit me with the football did you?' Kate replied
'Oh no Kate what have you done?' Tina spoke from beside me, she sounded genuinely worried and knowing Kate she had reason to.
'I hit her' Kate said matteroffactly. She said it as if it were obvious, with Kate it is but seriously she must be in so much trouble.
'What have you got then?' I asked her half knowing the answer already
'Detention for the rest of the week' she stated. We all laughed and walked to our period 4 class.
~In IT
I hate IT, I hate my teacher, I hate my seating plan, I hate the subject, I HATE IT! I swear none of my friends are in this lesson.
'Natt can you go and sit next to ummm, errr sit next to Willow please.' those words should never be put together in a sentence. A smirk spread across his face. Seeing him makes my blood boil, I hate Natt so much.
'This should be fun' Natt whispered to me as he came and sat in the seat behind me.
'NO! No miss just no. I am not sitting here move him or I'm out!' I refused to sit with him. I will not sit next to a boy who has made the past 3 years of my school life a living hell. I have seen enough of him to know I don't want anything to do with him.
'Willow Nichols you listen to me and you listen now, I am the teacher therefore I make the rules. I will NOT be told what to do in my own classroom. Now sit down next to Nate, shut up and do your work!' She must be stupid if she thought I was going to stay here. I stood up from the computer, looked her dead in the eye for about 3 seconds and walked out the classroom. Oh bugger me. What am I supposed to do now. I never do this, my mum is going to flip. What have I done, something about that boy just makes me so angry. I do not want to put up with him, being anywhere near him just makes me remember everything and I really cant go through that at the moment its still a bit raw. I cant really go back to class can I ugh. I decided I would spend the hour in my tutor room so I walked there and went inside. I told Mrs. Sutcliffe what I did and she was not happy with me but agreed that it was best I stayed in her classroom. Miss then rang Ms. Rose and explained that I was in her classroom and guess what?!?!?! I have detention for the rest of the week! Wait, Kate does too. At least I'm not on my own.
That was the first chapter we hope you liked it. Hopefully we can update every week but maybe every 2 weeks cuz we are rubbish at remembering and also writing so it will take us a while, please vote and follow us and comment and stuff like that urmm thats about it really and please help the janoskians notice us lul soz for being begs but we love them, bye.
-kate and willow x