4. Orders

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My breath hitches. I feel targeted. His eyes linger on mine for too long, to call it a coincident. I know it's not. In a matter of seconds he has left the room. Still with his eyes on me, he runs. Towards me.

The nurse screams. Jin's eyes widen when he sees Jimin, but it's already too late. I'm on my own now.

Forcefully Jimin wraps his arms around me. I am being pressed into his chest. My heart is beating too fast. What is happening here?

"Thank you", he whispers in my ear. Shivers go down my spine. His mouth is uncomfortably close to my ear. Did he only want to thank me? I calm down. Why do I always assume the worst? He doesn't have a reason to hurt me.

Suddenly I feel bad for him. Everyone probably prejudge him.

Jin tries to separate the two of us, which to Jimin reacts by harshly turning around so that his back now faces Jin. The doctor is ready to remove me from the psychopath as soon as I show any discomfort.

I shake my hand. "Don't. Wait."

I slowly give Jimin one or two awkward claps on his back. "It's okay."

"Thank you." He stays like this for a couple of seconds. It doesn't feel uncomfortable anymore. My heart isn't racing anymore. I'm calm... until he repeats the same sentence: "Thank you." Wait. It doesn't sound like him. The words are coming from his mouth, but it doesn't sound like him anymore. "Thank you", he says louder now. His grip is too strong, soon I feel like I am being crushed in his arms. Tears prickle from my eyes.

"Stop", I breathe out. "Please stop." I can't fight against this. He's inhumanly strong. Where has he suddenly gotten the strength from?

"Stop, you're hurting me!" That's when he closes his eyes. Quickly he shots them open, looking at me with widen eyes. He opens up his mouth when a sudden force hits him in the head. It doesn't take Jin two seconds to knock him out. Before I know it Jimin's legs give after for his body weight.

The others probably want me to push him away, let his head hit the floor and then complain about how I am traumatized by this, but I don't do that. My job here is to help, and I'll help this patient of mine.

I try to hold him up with all my might, seen as he is taller than me he also weighs more. In addition to that, this guy also has muscles, which practically makes me defenseless.

Everyone is staring at me. I hear their whispers. These damn nurses and doctors. Don't they have patients to treat? I lose count of the amount of time I curse under my breath.

Jin's voice roars in the distant wave of talking. "What are you doing? Let go of him, Evelin." The talking stops. Everyone is waiting for my response.

"I'm doing your job." Shit, I can already feel the sweat coming from my forehead.

"What do you mean?"

"That you should stop treating him as if he was an animal."

Jin furrows his eyebrows in confusion and stares at me. "Pardon?"

"You heard me. I respect you, Jin, however what you are doing is not right-"

"Are you out of your damn mind? He attacked you. Twice! That's it. I'm calling Yoongi. He should bring you home."

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