The Boy

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Chris's POV

There she is the one, I've been looking for her for a while now, after my dad died his last words where to find her and kill her, I've known why my dad wanted her dead because her mum told her about things very important things, but my dad failed to kill her from birth.After that Ellie has never been the same, she was once a kind innocent girl. But after the incident in high school, what they did to her pretty little face, she is now a girl who would kill you if you reminded her of her parents(both dead). my train of thought was broken by my friend Conor,

Hey mate watcha thinking about. he asked

Her, the one with the scars on her back,legs and arms, She is really pretty her hair is nice and long and brown. i said with a passion

Woah mate calm down, i admit she is pretty, wait you seem to now a lot about her, you know her? Conor asked looking with a bit of a scared face 


We were in High school Ellie and I, she never had any friends i tried many times (as my father asked for  me to be close to her) she just blocked everything and anyone in her life, when she was younger her mum died from a person(my dad) her dad died in a burning building trying to save her, after that she never talked to anyone, her fathers last words were to move her from school to school, and have bodyguards around her almost 24/7. There was this one incident in high school, a kid named Grace pushed her to the max

Ellie Okensheild please come to the front of the class and tell us about your family. Mr.Blake said 

Ha she has no family both died trying to save her, or at least thats what she wants to think. Grace said with a evil smirk.

My name is Ellie Okensheild, My parents are both dead. they were the town hero's, everyone wanted a family like them, happy and cheerful. But after my mum died from a horrible person, that changed my dad started drinking more and swearing more, and me well i just kept on going acting like nothing happened, i never cried in public or in front of my dad, i didn't even cry at her funeral. but at night well thats a different story

BELL RINGS- Changes to Ellie's POV(Btw this is a true part of the story, happened to me, not the dead parents)

Thank god, i swear i was going to fall asleep. Grace snickered 

I walked out of the room and ran, i ran to the bush and ate, i just sat there, then i heard voices i looked out of the bush, well pushed, i looked up and saw Grace standing there looking like she ruled the world.

Hey i found the kid who killed her mum and dad. Grace said with an evil tone

I stood up and punched her in the face, i kicked her and punched her again and again, i couldn't take this bullshit anymore.

Grace stood blood dripping from her nose, get her.

Soon i had 3 girls on me punching, kicking, scratching at me and i couldn't do anything i just was on the floor getting beaten to the floor. they left but after that, every lunch and recess i would be beaten for 4 years of my life, i started cutting my father never talked to me anymore, no one cared about me. i thought about committing suicide many times but i thought of my mum and Little Bird and how there life would suck if i died so every time i wanted to, i  just thought of them. after the wounds healed i have scars all over me, my back and legs and arms. so i act tough and strong out side. but on the inside I'm dying. i get night terrors now from everything that happen in high school,  don't sleep most nights.


Conor's POV

Woah, i like her more now

Back off she is mine. Chris said

Mate, you can't claim her like a tool, she is a human who went through a lot.

Authors Note 

Hey guys sorry for the long chapter, i just when i write about what happened to me, i dot stop until its written, sorry for the sad chapter the next chapter i hope shall be a bit happier. 

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