Chapter 1

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Lyla POV

Yay, another day of high school! I can just smell my sarcasm. Ugh. I have to hide I see Chelsea! She's the most popular girl in school who has bullied me and beat me up for the past 4 years. I run to class hoping to avoid her. Well that plan didn't work too well. The late bell just rang and Chelsea had me laying on the floor with a new black eye and bruises up and down my arms. She spit out a few mean comments but I was in too much pain to listen. I just laid there and watched her walk to class.

Once I got the strength to get up I walked to the nearest bathroom to clean myself up and walk to class. The teacher wasn't phased at all by my state but news gets around fast so the whole class spat comments at me about how I looked. Great. First period and I already want to go home. 

======IDK how to write a full day of school sooo====

Finally, the day is over! No more drama! I made my trek home and when I arrived Sara, an adorable 8 year old was at the barn for her lesson. So, I tacked up my horse, Shrek, and her lesson horse, Aria. I taught her some new riding skills on jumping and courses then I went through my practice course to get ready for showing. Afterwards, we were both pretty tired so we untacked and cleaned the stalls a little. Sometimes I feel like this little girl is my only friend.

An hour or so after cleaning, Sara's mom came to pick her up. I said goodbye as she jumped in to the car while I talked to her mom about the show on Saturday. She seemed excited and was telling me that the whole family was coming out to watch since it was Sara's biggest show of the year, and that they were going to stay for my show since I'm such an amazing trainer and friend to Sara. I was ecstatic! I said my farewells and ran to the house to tell my mom about it and grab some dinner before the big day!

A/N- So I feel like this sucked, but I swear it will get better it just needs to get started first. Tell me what you think so far, or don't, It doesn't really matter! See ya! I'll try to update when possible!! -Sam

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