Chapter 20

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"Who knew? You could be positively lethal in every way," murmured Claude huskily, before he grinned lazily back at me in a self-satisfied way. "You're a quick learner."

Giving head was not what I wanted him to introduce me into. The delights of the flesh had to extend beyond my mouth on his...

" Tell me, why haven't you had a relationship before. I know you cited your uncle as your excuse before but you're no longer under his dominion. Not everyman you meet knows you're an assassin. You could have had your little problem taken care of ages ago. You're really not a bad looker. And if you go down on a man like that even once, you're bound to make him your slave for life."

"I wanted someone who would love me my whole life." I muttered softly, already busy processing what he just said. I've gone down on him twice, did I have a slave in him? It shouldn't matter either way, he already belonged to me. His life was mine to take. He was all but signed, sealed and delivered. I only had to reach out and compel the rest to my liking.

Strangely though I found myself reluctant to proceed along the at route. Perhaps having him be my first was not the smartest thing I ever did. Even so I couldn't fathom lying with anyone else. Not as long as the breath still ran through his lungs. I rested my head on his broad shoulders and gazed out unseeingly. The puff of warm hair was soft and soothing asit left his nostrils to brush over me.

"Naive and an assassin. You kill me, with your devilsh innocence. Can we just take that as your fulfillment to your contract and call this quits. I don't think I could survive much more of that," Claude murmured facetiously.

I didn't smile at the at. There was nothing funny anymore. Not with what I suspected I was beginning to feel for him.

Raising my head, I frowned still unseeingly at what was Claude's home in the distance. My self appointed victim there was a first. But he had it long time in coming. I realised I had been putting off the encounter all this while. Taking down Claude's dad was simply a must and Claude's distracting me from this, had to stop.

I straightened up and turned on the ignition, then silently put the little car back on the road.

It was a good distance back to my temporary abode and with the dusk already settling in, dinner became the first point of order.

Claude remained surprisingly talkative along the way. He seemed merry even to have the little car burn rubber increasing the distance between his father and him. Or was his intentions to increase that distance between me and his dad. I wasn't sure. He may be running from his dad but that didn't mean he condoned his death. Killing his dad may actually alienate Claude from me.

How would he service me then? Perhaps I should focus on Claude first. Have my fill of him. Take him out and then do his dad six feet under.

It was an array of similarly befuddling decisions that kept me preoccupied the rest of the way. So that I actually only listened to Claude's chatter with no more than half a mind. Lesser than that even.

Then there was the crawling frustrations gnawing at my depths. Needing Claude was becoming an unhealthy diversion. What if it became an addiction?

With Claude it was all not only possible but even quite likely.

With these churning thoughts racking my mind, I pulled up at a five star restaurant, the kind you needed a dinner jacket and tie, and heels for me all of which were absent from our persons.

I straightened my more ruggard looking leather jacket and hoped the pout I wore from blowing Claude would pass off as my natural look.

Claude's arm came heavy about my shoulders and I was cuddled close up against him. So that the megawatt bright smile he levelled at me had still blinking off its stunning effects as I stepped forward, leaving the sparkles of his merry eyes for that of the glittering posh foyer.

The elderly matron who greeted us with, " Do you have a reservation?" , was also blithely bedazzled by another sparkling grin as Claude set out to gain us an entry to this snobbish eatery.

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