Chapter 23

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We lay side by side with my head resting on his shoulder. His hands swept over me. At times lazy and casual and in the next instant frantic and urgent.

He was rather careless in addressing my tender sides. It may have passed his notice that I was battered and bruised. A quick peep up at him only told me that he was preoccupied. Lost in his own convoluted thoughts. Not noticing at all the flinches I resisted in showing. But he should still have been able to tell from the tensing of my muscles that I couldn't hide. Either at the gentle as air brush movements over my sore skin or the more violent caresses he dashed over me.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked finally. Needing a rest from the various contrasting emotions that he persisted on arousing in me.

"Nothing." Came his quick evasive response.

"Its not nothing," I said emphatically, instantly hiding an opportune wince that chose that moment to display itself. It was bitter sweet, this pain. It gave off an odd tingling that felt more than simple lust. Deeper.

"Tell me," I insisted, needing to hear his thoughts, atvery least, to distract me from my own.

I nuzzled my face against his chest and got a squeak producing hug for my efforts.

His grin was instantaneous and scowl inducing. My pain was no laughing matter.

"I got you good didn't I?"

His cocky words made me take back my earlier sentiments. Killing him was too good. I should torture him first. A slow and painful death rather than a swift nick in carotid artery.

"As I did you," I murmured under my breath, pertly. To emphasis that statement, I flung a careless arm over his chest. His grunt of dismay was satisfying. It was really only the barest instance that I lost at all. Bare because it was his penis erect and in my face that caught me off guard so that Claude managed to flip me onto the bed and grab at my neck.

I should have tugged my panties down sooner. If having Claude's naked genitalia swinging in my face was enough to disarm me then surely mine at his would have won me the game.

The taste of bitter defeatwas unpleasant to stomach. Especially with a gloating winner to put up with.

"I should have a prize for my win," declared Claude arrogantly. It was obvious he was going to take insufferable to a whole new level with this one paltry win. Had I known this sooner, I would have merely reached out to snap his neck instead.

" What would you want?" I asked softly instead, bracing myself for the inevitable.

But the request for his life and freedom didn't come. Turning to his side and tipping me off to mine, we faced each other as he stared at me contenplatively.

"Could I hold you to anything for now, and have a rain check on it"

Mutely, I nodded my head. Anything sounded fair. I could only hope he asked for his life when he did.

In the mean time it became even more vital that I do away with his dad. Claude was too perfect to be killed. Not at my hands nor any other.

"Come, we should wash up and get some salve on all the boo boos."

"Boo boos?"

"Black and blue, boo boos."

Claude broke out in an unbecoming hysterical bout of laughter. I shrugged my shoulders and slipped gingerly off the bed to make for the hot shower.

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