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Ride Or Die
Part 16

Yn P.O.V

We were watching tv when the lights went out & the tv channel changed.

Everyone looked at the tv, to see Jayden tied up in her bra & underwear. Two guys with mask came up to the camera,

Damien; What the fuck ? *sits up*

Dominic; Hi Damien *waves*

Caleb; *chuckles* Hi Yn !

Yn; O.O What the hell ?

Dominic; So we thought we would have a little fun with Jayden

They walked towards Jayden & she started screaming.

Jayden; GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME *kicks Dominic*

Caleb; Wrong move *punches jayden*

Yn; JAYDEN !!!

Damien clinched his fist, he couldnt watch.

They started touching Jayden & Doing stuff to her. She was crying & begging them to stop..

Once they were finish they put the camera to her face.

Dominic; Say Hi Damien

Jayden; *crying* H-h-hi D-d-Damien

Caleb; *chuckles* Tell everyone you had fun

Jayden; *shakes head no*

Caleb; *punches & kicks her* SAY IT !

Jayden; *bleeding & crying* I h-had fun ...


Tay; It wont turn off !!

Damien; *punches the Tv screen*

Tay; Well ... It's off now ...

Damien; *pulls his hand out* One of you sick fuckers are working with them ... Once I found out who Tf it is... They will not see another day *walks upstairs*

Tay; Who could be working for them tho ?

Yn; I just wanna save Jayden ... *crying* this is all my fault ...

Prince; *holds her* Stop, let's just think of ways to get Jayden back


Damien's P.O.V

All I see is red , they don't want the old me. I'll fuck someone up over my fiancé

Dj; Dad what's wrong ?

Damien; Nothing Dj , go to your room

Dj; Is mommy okay ?

Damien; *stops pacing* She's fine, she went to grandmas for a few days *lying*

Dj; Dad, I'm 5 years old. I know someone kidnapped mommy

Damien; *sighs* & I have no way of protecting her

Dj; Daddy

Damien; What

Dj; It's Kendrick ..

Damien; What do you mean ?

Dj; Kendrick's working with them .. I heard him on the phone

Damien; *pissed af* Go to your room , now *goes downstairs*


Prince's P.O.V

We were talking when Damien came downstairs & grabbed Kendrick , slamming him against the wall

Prince; *stands up* WOAH MAN CHILL !

Damien; THINK IT'S COOL TO FUCK WITH MY FIANCÉ ? *punches him* YOU THINK YOUR SLICK *starts beating his ass*


Damien; *pulls out his gun* YOU GON HAVE THIS RAPE MY FUCKING WIFE ON CAMERA *shoots hit shoulder*

Kendrick; AHHH FUCKK ! *holding his shoulder*

Damien; Take his ass to the building , kids don't need to see this *puts his gun away*

Prince; What the hell is going on ?!

Damien; He's the one behind it all Jayden & Yns rape . Everything , you coming or not ?

I just nodded & we all drove off . Ebony stayed with the kids.

Once we got to the building, Gabe & Trey carried him inside. We were in the basement

Marcus; I always knew you were a skep nigga

Damien; So you think you can hurt my fiancé & live ? Better yet rape my sister in law ?

Chris; How we gon handle this nigga ?

Damien; *smirks* Everyone gets a turn to tortured him, Yn gets to kill him

Yn; O.O What !

Tay; Don't complain , he set this up !

Marcus's smirked walking up to Kendrick, he chuckled & pulled out a knife. He traced his cheek & stabbed right through it, yanked his knife forward so his mouth wouldn't be connected anymore. Next up was Tay , she smiled & pulled out a hammer. She twirled it & did an evil laugh. She smashed his shoulder in with the hammer. Kendrick was screaming in pain the whole time. Along came Jacob, he kissed Tay & turned towards Kendrick , laughing. He pulled out a screw driver & stabbed it in his other shoulder hitting a muscle. He turned it while Kendrick screamed & cried begging to stop. Jacob broke his shoulder poppin a bone out of place. Next was Gabe, he just shook his head & punched Kendrick a couple of times, & kicked him breaking his ribs. Prince walked up Pissed af , he looked him In the eyes & chuckled. Prince took a razor & cut the back of his feet , the muscles in his arms , & sliced his wrists, so he had no control over his arms or legs. Up Next Was Damien, Damien looked at him in complete disgusted, he was halfway dead but Damien knew he still felt the pain. He pulled out his gun , shooting both knees, & shot near his heart, also shoot throw his other cheek laughing. Then Damien took a knife , cutting his sides gutting Kendrick like a fish. Chris stopped Damien & walked up to Kendrick

Chris; What to do ? What to do ? *evil chuckle*

You couldn't watch you were turned around the whole time

Chris; You know, you was really my nigga *chuckles* & I don't trust niggas

Chris pulled out a lighter, burning high name into Kendrick's skin. He made Kendrick open his mouth & poured gasoline all down his throat, Chris laughed & pour acid on his skin, watching it peel off in happiness.

Tay; Yn your next

Yn; *still turned around* No ... I can't ...

Damien; You do it or I will

Yn; *slowly walks up to Kendrick crying*

Tay; Here *hands her a lighter & a gun*

Kendrick looked at her with the little energy he had left ... You pointed the gun & started shaking ..

Kendrick; I-I-I s-s-still l-l-l-love y-y-you

You shot him crying harder, Prince held you taking the gun. Damien let Kendrick & the building on fire. You guys returned home, you went straight upstairs & laid down... You felt sick to your stomach ... You just killed the man you once loved ... You couldn't get the imagine out of your head. ...

Prince; Baby ... You okay ?

Yn; Why'd you make me do it ?

Prince; He hurt your friends, & you

Yn; *starts shaking* I just cant get that imagine out of my head ...

Prince; ...

- musicfo'lifee

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